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eBay: the online car boot sale22 October – 30 November 2007 was launched in the USA in 1995. The concept is a remarkably simple: it allows anyone in the world with Internet access to buy and sell goods at person-to-person online auctions. It is a friendly marketplace where traders and collectors can communicate with others who share similar interests and passions. The customer base is potentially worldwide. eBay sites operate from Argentina to Australia and Canada to Korea. Vendors are usually private collectors thinning their collections or trading up, entrepreneurial young artists plying their wares, established dealers breaking into a new market, or traders in general antiques and collectibles. Works of art may be acquired for substantially less, in some cases a small fraction of their UK market value. This exhibition of primarily Modern British prints and drawings purchased on eBay, loaned by an Aberystwyth collector, demonstrates that even for those far from the metropolitan centres, acquiring fine art on eBay can be an exciting, informative and rewarding pastime. For a brief period, the auctioned works are in the public domain for anyone to see, only to disappear again into the homes or vaults of the buyer. This exhibition brings some of them back into public view and tells the story of their journey to Wales. Includes: Francisco Goya | John Hamilton Mortimer | Laura Knight | Edward Bawden | John Bratby | Eric Fraser | Alistair Grant | David Hockney | Julian Trevelyan | George Chapman | John Elwyn | Eric Malthouse | Claudia Williams | Valerius de Saedeleer Recent acquisitions 1999 - 2001 | Exhibitions during 1999 | Exhibitions during 2000 | Exhibitions during 2001 | Exhibitions during 2002 | Exhibitions during 2003 | Exhibitions during 2004 | Exhibitions during 2005 | Exhibitions during 2006 | Exhibitions during 2007 | Exhibitions during 2008 | Exhibitions during 2009 | Alexander Adams | Alistair Crawford | Alistair Crawford - Landscape Capriccios | Alistair Crawford - Even Smaller Room | Alumni | Anne Desmet | Art on the Town | Bernard Cheese | Bodywork | British Artists in Italy | Centenary Artists | Chris Penn | Christina Edwards | Christopher Vranek | Claudia Williams | Colin Jones | Current Exhibitions | David Tinker | Undergraduate Degree Show and Postgraduate Exhibition 2005 | 2009 Degree Show | Derek Williams Collection | Derrick Greaves | Earth and Sky | John O\'Rourke: East-West-Occult | Edgar Holloway | Edwina Ellis | Elfyn Lewis | Erich Lessing | Evelyn Gibbs | Forthcoming Exhibitions | Future Plans | Germano Ovani - A Bunch of Peculiars | Gregynog Exhibition - John Roberts | Gwilym Pritchard | Inspire! Exhibition | Catrin Webster | Jane Joseph | Jenny Martin | John Roberts | Joseph Webb | Kangchenjunga | Kate Hammersley - Mikro Kosmos | Kate Hammersley - Order and Chaos | Ken Elias | Klaus Friedeberger | Simon Pierse | London Life | Looking out to Sea | Marcelle Hanselaar - Down the Rabbit Hole | Ross Martin and Thomas Michael Harrison | Mutations - work by six women artists from Sardinia | Edgar Holloway and his Contemporaries | Pam Berridge | Past Exhibitions | Paul Croft | 17 Prime Makers | Recent Acquisitions | Recent Acquisitions 2000 - 2008 | Richard Weis | Robert Greetham - Of Fire and Rites | Royal Society of Painter - Printmakers | Sankofa - Ceramic Tales from Africa | The Sea | Brush Up Your Shakespeare | Sidney Nolan | Sisters Select | Stuart Pearson Wright | Terra Incognita - Images of Australia | Thomas Williams | Tony Heward | Touring Exhibitions | Anne Desmet - Urban Evolution | Vicky Shaw | Vicky Shaw Biography | Christopher Webster - Visions and Traces | William Stevens
Exhibitions |