Display artist/maker: --select-- A El Nigoumi, Siddiq
A.F.G., Monogrammist
Abbey, Edwin Austin
Abell, John
Absolom, John
Ackroyd, Norman
Adam, Jac.
Adams, Alexander
Adams, Billy
Adams, Norman
Adamson, Miss
Adamson, Patrick
Adamson, Shaun
Addyman, John
Adlard, Alfred
Agee, Ann
Aithie, Patricia
Aivaliotis, Sharon
Al-Naim, Arafat
Aleutian tribe,
Alford, Henry
Alison, Justine
Aliyu, Danlami
Alken, Samuel
Allen, Colin Gard
Allen, Daniel
Allen, Lynne
Allen, Peter
Allen, Ralph
Allen, Richard
Allingham, Helen
Allinson, Adrian Paul
Allison, Justine
Allport, Curzona Frances Louise
Amman, Jost
Amshewitz, John Henry
Amstel, Cornelis Ploos van
Anderson, Stanley
Andrew, Keith
Andrews, Arthur Henry
Andrews, Ross
Angelico, Fra
Angus, Laurence
Angus, Stanley
Annesley, Lady Mabel Marguerite
Ansdell, Richard
Antoine, Pierre Joseph
Archer, Frank J.
Archer, James
Arkless, Marc
Armfield, Maxwell Ashby
Armitage, Jean
Armour, Keith R.
Arms, John Taylor
Armstead, Henry Hugh
Armstrong, Samuel
Armstrong-Jones, Anthony Charles Robert
Arnald, George
Arnoux, Hippolyte
Arquero, Martha
Ashraf, Hanna
Astbury, Paul
Atherley, Karen
Atkin, Jacqui
Atkinson, Conrad
Atkinson, John Priestman
Atkinson, Kim
Atkinson, Teresa Dulce
Austen, John Archibald
Austin, Frederick George
Austin, Robert Sargent
Ayelsford Pottery,
Aylieff, Felicity
Ayrton, Michael
Badmin, Stanley Roy L.
Bae, Chan-Hyo
Baggaley, Robert
Bailey, David
Bailey, Peter
Bailey, W H
Baker, Joan Elizabeth
Baker, William and James
Baldwin, Andrew
Baldwin, Gordon
Baldwin, Justine
Baldwin, Mervyn
Balestrieri, Lionello
Ball, Robert
Balocchi, Vincenzo
Bambigbola and Hountchonou, Veronique and Angeline
Baoping, Jin
Barber, Iain
Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco
Barclay, Edgar
Bari tribe,
Barker, Anthony Raine
Barlow, Francis
Barnard, Frederick
Barnes, Michael
Barnes, Robert
Barnett, Tom
Barnwell, Alice
Baron, J.M.
Barratt, Mychael
Barrett, Roderic
Barrett Danes, Alan and Ruth
Barrett-Danes, Alan
Barrow, I. C.
Barry, James
Barry, Val
Bartels, Miss Margaret
Barth, Carl
Bartlett, Charles
Bartolozzi, Francesco
Barton, Glenys
Basire, James
Bassett, Kate
Bateman, James
Bateman, Mrs
Bates, Fiona
Bates, Trevor
Batoni, Pompeo Girolamo
Batterham, Richard
Bauer, Maurius Alexander Jacques
Baum, John
Bawden, Edward
Bawden, Richard
Baxter, Thomas
Bayer, Svend
Bayes, Alfred Walter
Bayley, P.
Beard, Peter
Beato, Antonio
Beauchamp, Paul
Beaven, Jenny
Bechtold, Jeroen
Beddow, George
Bede, Cuthbert
Bedford, Celia Frances
Bedford, Oliver
Beechey, Sir William
Beer, Richard
Bell, Deborah
Bell, Dorothy
Bell, John
Bell, Miss
Bell Hughes, Beverley
Bell Hughes, Terry
Bella Coola tribe,
Bellany, John
Bellew, Frank Henry Temple
Benger, William Edmund
Benko, Ilona
Bennett, Charles Henry
Bennett, Mary
Bennett, William James
Bent, Jack D.
Bentley, Alfred
Benwell, Joseph Austin
Bergeson, A. Dirksen Von
Bernaerts, M. J.
Bernard, Émile
Bertoglio, Italo
Bertos, Francesco
Bethel, David
Betts, J.C.
Bevan, Oliver
Bevilacqua, Carlo
Bew, John
Bewick, John
Bewick, Thomas
Billington, Dora
Binns, David
Birck, Aage
Bird, Henry Arthur Richard
Bird, John Alexander Harrington
Birley, Oswald
Birmann, S.
Bjorklund, Kina
Blackburn (nee Wedderburn), Jemima
Blackie, Sebastian
Blackwell, John
Blaize, Valeri
Blake, William
Blakemore, John
Blaker, Hugh Oswald
Blanchard, Andrew
Blandino, Betty
Blatherwick, Lily
Bliss, Douglas Percy
Bloemaert, Abraham
Blood, Thomas
Bluck, John
Bodenham, Pete
Boehle, Fritz
Boitard, Louis Pierre
Bologna, Lorenzo da
Bond, Geoff
Bone, Muirhead
Bonnard, Pierre
Borcht, Pieter van der
Borders, F.
Borjeson, Hans and Brigitte
Borrow, William Henry
Bostock, James
Boswell, James
Boswijk, Christine
Bough, Samuel
Bourland, Jean-François
Bourne & Son , J
Boutasi, Eirini
Bowdon, David
Bowen, Clive
Bowen, Paul Rhys
Bowers Edwards, Georgina Harriett
Boxer, Marc
Boxsius, Sylvan G.
Boyd, Christopher
Boyd, Michael Austin
Boyd & Evans, Fionnuala & Leslie
Boyd-Harte, Glynn
Boys, Thomas Shotter
Boze, Joseph
Bradbury Wilkinson & Co.,
Braden, Norah
Bradford, Rose
Bradley, Basil
Bradley, C.H.
Braithwaite, Sam Hartley
Brandard, Robert
Brangwyn, Sir Frank William
Braque, Georges
Bratby, John Randall
Braunton Pottery,
Bray, Horace Walter
Bresslern-Roth, Norbertine
Brewer, Paul
Brewill, Penny
Brewtnall, Edward Frederick
Bridell-Fox, Eliza Florance
Bridgman, Frederick Arthur
Brigstocke, Thomas
Briscoe, H.
Britton, Alison
Brockhurst, Gerald Leslie
Brockway, Harry
Brogi, Giacomo
Brosamer, Hans
Brouet, Auguste
Brown, Barbara
Brown, Christie
Brown, Christopher
Brown, Ford Madox
Brown, Isaac L.
Brown, J. Osborn
Brown, Melanie
Brown, Noel
Brown, Paul and Yvette
Brown, Sandy
Brown, Sidney Morse
Brown, Timothy M
Brown, William
Browne, Hablot Knight
Browne, Irene Mary
Brunsdon, John
Brunton, William S.
Buck, Samuel (and Nathaniel)
Buckels, Alec
Buckley Pottery,
Buckman, Edwin
Buckman, William Rice
Buckton, Eveleen
Buffet, Bernard
Bulman, A.D.
Bulmer, Lionel Victor
Bunney, Gabriel
Bunyan, Jan
Burder, Simon
Burgkmair, Hans
Burke, Thomas
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley
Burnett, Celia Ross
Burnett, Deirdre
Burnham, Christopher
Burns, Brendan Stuart
Burr, Graham
Burridge, Frederick Vango
Burrow, Edward
Burton, Annie
Burton, Charles
Burton, Edward J.
Burton, Frederick William
Burton, William Paton
Burton, William Shakespeare
Bury, C.R.
Bushby, Thomas Lord
Butcher, Enid Constance
Butler, Natalie Jean
Butterworth & Heath,
Button, Corinna
Cadenhead, James
Caiger-Smith, Alan
Caldecott, Randolph
Caldwall, James
Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall
Callot, Jacques
Cameron, Hugh
Cameron, Julia Margaret
Cameron, Sir David Young
Campbell, Thalia D.
Cangiagio, Luca
Canova, Antonio
Capella, Van der
Caracciolo, L.
Cardew, Ara
Cardew, Michael Ambrose
Cardew, Seth
Carey, William Paulet
Carlo, Michael
Carlson, Ronald
Carnegy, Daphne
Carpanini, David Lawrence
Carracci, Agostino
Carroll, Simon
Carter, Nicolette
Carter, Owen Browne
Casanovas, Claudi
Casbolt, Wyn
Casson, Michael
Casson, Sheila
Castle, Christopher
Catherall, Paul
Cattermole, Charles
Causen, C.
Cavalli, Giuseppe
Caylus, Anne-Claude-Philippe de
Cecil, Roger
Chagall, Marc
Chagué, Thiébaut
Challenger, Michael
Challinor, Trevor
Chamberlain, Brenda
Chambers, Stephen
Chantrey, Francis
Chaplet, Ernest
Chaplin, Bob
Chaplin, Stephen
Chapman, Gaynor
Chapman, John
Chapman, Kate
Chapman, Kenneth George
Chapman & Hall Ltd,
Charity, John
Charles Édouard, de Beaumont
Charles-André, van Loo
Charlton, Evan
Charon, Guy
Chasemore, William Harry Archibald
Cheese, Bernard
Cheese, Chloe
Chegwin, Robert D.
Chehalis tribe,
Chemehuevi tribe,
Chen, Chihang
Chen, Qiuwei
Chen, Xiangning
Cheshire, W.
Cheyne, Ian Alec Johnson
Childs, Adrian
Choi, Sung Jae
Christie, H.L.
Christison, Tom
Chu, Gene
Cimatti, Antoinella
Ciol, Elio
Cipriani, Giovanni Battista
Claridge, John
Clark, Alistair
Clarke, Edward Francis C.
Clarke, Graham
Claxton, Adelaide
Claxton, Florence A.
Claxton, Marshall C.
Clément, Armand
Clérevaux, C.
Clésinger, Jean Baptiste ('Auguste')
Clegg, Christine
Clement, Nia
Clennell, Luke
Clennell, Tony
Cleverley, David
Clinton, Charles W.
Clough, Prunella
Coats, Alice Margaret
Coke Smyth, John Richard
Colley, William Frederick
Collingwood & Co. ,
Collins, Cecil
Collins, Nic
Collins, William
Colomb, Wellington
Colquhoun, Robert
Comte de Noé, Amédée Charles Henri
Connelly, Frank
Constable, John
Constant, Christine
Constantinidis, Joanna
Coode, Helen Hoppner
Cook, Barrie
Cook , John
Cook, Thomas
Cooke, Edward William
Cooke Bourne, John
Cooman, Jan de
Cooper, Alfred W.
Cooper, Eileen
Cooper, Emmanuel
Cooper, Robert
Cooper Jr, Richard
Cope, Charles West
Coper, Hans
Copley, John
Corbould, Edward Henry
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille
Corr, Christopher
Correggio, Antonio Allegri
Corsellis, Jane
Corser, Trevor
Cotman, Frederick George
Cotman, John Sell
Cottard, F.
Cottrell, Barry
Cour, Glenys
Cousen, Charles
Coussens, Armand
Coutu, Jack
Coutu, Richard
Cove, Robyn
Cowley, Rowanne
Cox, Alan
Cox, David
Cox, James
Cox, Jane
Crabtree, Jack
Crane, Walter
Cranford, May
Crawford, Alistair
Crawford, M. J.
Creenaune, Danielle
Crerar, John Gilligan
Creswick, Thomas
Cristall, Joshua
Croft, Paul
Crofts, Stella Rebecca
Crome, John
Cronyn, Hugh
Cross, Tom
Crowquill, Alfred Henry Forrester
Crowther, Michael
Cruikshank, George
Cruikshank Jnr., George
Cumming, Margaret
Cummins, Vaughan
Cunnick, Geraint
Curneen, Claire
Curtis, Andrew
Curtis, Eddie
Custerson, Conrad
D Brucciani & Co,
D'Alessandro, Roseanna
D.B., Monogrammist
Da, Xin Di
Daggers, Dave
Dallas, Angela
Dalpayrat, Pierre-Adrien
Daly, Greg
Dalziel, Edward Gordon
Dalziel, Thomas Bolton Gilchrist Septimus
Daniel, Henry
Daniell, William
Daniels, Harvey
Dargent, Van
Darley, L. Felix
Darling, Tom
Darlington, Elizabeth A.
Darnley, Jane
Daumier, Honoré
David, Jacques-Louis
David, Pierre-Jean
Davie, Alan
Davies, Anthony
Davies, Clive
Davies, E. Dorothy
Davies, Geoffrey
Davies, Gwenhwyfar
Davies, Ivor
Davies, John
Davies, Lowri
Davies, Ogwyn
Davies, Patia
Davies, Paul
Davies, Paul
Davies, Peter
Davies, Ron
Davies, William Mynorydd
Davis, Alan Charles
Davis, Harry and May
Davis, Pete
Davison, O.C.
Davolio-Marani, Gualberto
Daw, Deirdre
Dawe, Henry Edward
Dürer, Albrecht
de Bisschop, Jan
De Boos, Janet
de Bourgevin Vialart de Saint Morys, Charles-Paul-Jean-Baptiste
de Bruyker, Jules
de Gheyn, Jacques (or Jacob)
de la Tour, Maurice-Quentin
de Saint-Jean, Jean Dieu
de Trey, Marianne
De Vries, Bouke
De Wint, Peter
Deacon, G.S.
Debucourt, Philibert Louis
Decamps, Alexander Gabriel
DeCicco, Raymond
Decoeur, Emile
Del Tin, Toni
Delaherche, Félix Auguste
Delaistre, Louis Jean Désiré
Delaune, Etienne
Delhanty, Denys
Delignon, Jean Louis
Delleany, Greta (Margaret Annie Mary Adelaide)
Delpech, François Séraphin
Delpierre, Francine
Den, Hai Xin
Deng, Dangxiong
Dent, Robert Stanley Gorrell
Derrick, Thomas C.
Descomps, Joseph-Emmanuel-Jules
Deshays, Jean-Baptiste
Desmannez, Joseph-Arnold
Desmet, Anne
Devéria, Eugène
Dias, Natalia
Diaz de la Peña, Narcisse-Virgile
Dicksee, Herbert Thomas
Dickson, Jennifer
Dier, C.
Diessner, Nancy
Disney Studios,
Dixon, Frederick Clifford
Dixon, Stephen
Dobell, Clarence Mason
Dobson, Robert
Dodd, Francis
Dodd, Mike
Doidge, Sarah [or Sara?] A.
Doitch, Erich
Dongen, Kees Van
Donovan, James
Dore, Paul Gustave Louis Christophe
Doris , Kirlew
Dotta, Elena
Downard, Ebenezer Newman
Doyle, Charles Altamont
Doyle, John
Doyle, Richard 'Dicky'
Drake, William Henry
Drouais, François-Hubert
Drummond, James
Drummond, William
Drury, Paul Dalou
Du Maurier, George Louis Palmella Busson
Dubose, David
Ducôte, Alfred
Duckworth, Ruth
Dudley, Robert
Dufayard, Francoise
Duffin, John
Duflos, Claude
Dufy, Raoul
Duncalf, Jo-Anna
Duncan, E.
Dunlop, George Dunlop
Dunn, Edith
Dunoyer de Segonzac, André
Dupêchez, Charles
Dyck, Sir Anthony van
Dyson, Anthony
Earlom, Richard
Eastman, Ken
Eastop, Geoffrey
Eccleston, Harry
Eden, Michael
Eden, Michael and Victoria
Edwards, John 'Kelt'
Edwards, Joseph
Edwards, Kate Adelaide
Edwards, Mary Ellen
Edwards, Peter
Eeles, David
Egan, Matthew
Eglin, Philip
Ehrenger, John W.
Eldridge, Mildred
Elias, Ken
Elieson, Tulla
Ellis, Edwin John
Ellis, Edwina
Eltze, Fritz
Elwes, Alfred Thomas
Elwyn, John
Erni, Hans
Escott, Leonard Peter
Estall, George
Ethiou, Adèle
Etty (school of), William
Evangelidou, Katerina
Evans, Bob
Evans, David
Evans, Edmund
Evans, Edward
Evans, Eurgain
Evans, F.
Evans, Gwyn
Evans, Handel Cromwell
Evans, Hugh
Evans, Margaret
Evans, Melvyn
Evans, Merlyn Oliver
Evans, Ray
Evans, Robert Wyn
Evans, Roy
Evans, Shirley
Evans, Torla
Evans, Vincent
Evans, Walker
Everdingen, Allart Van
Exley, James Robert Granville
Fairbank, Alfred John
Fairfield, A. R.
Fairley, George
Faithorne, William
Fanshawe Kato, Jill
Fattorini, Eliseo
Faulkner, Amanda
Faxard, H.
Fedden, Mary
Fee, Dominic
Fell, Jenny Elizabeth
Fellover Pottery,
Fellows, Mary
Ferry, David
Fiennes, Celia Mary (Twisleton-Wykeham)
Figura, Hans
Fildes, Samuel Luke
Filipenko, Vladimir
Finch, Joe
Finch, Ray
Finlay, Ian Hamilton
Finnemore, Sybil
Fiorini, Marcel
Fischer, Hans
Fischer, Hans
Fishwick, Clifford
Fisk, William Henry
Fitton, James
Fitzcook, Henry
Fitzgerald, John Anster
Fitzpatrick, Edmond
Flameng, Leopold
Flavin, John
Fleischer Studios,
Fleischmann, Friedrich
Fleming, Ian
Flinn, Sheila
Flipart, Jean Jacques
Flynn, Michael
Fontanarosa, Lucien Joseph
Ford, Laura
Forestier, Charles Aimé
Formstecher, Helene
Fortuny y Carbo, Mariano
Forty, Gerald
Foster, Miles Birket
Foulger, Howson R.
Fournier, Robert
Fournier, Sheila
Fox, Mary
Fragonard, Jean Honoré
Francis, Bernard
Frank, Hans
Franklin, Malcolm
Franks, Tony
Fraser, Francis Arthur
Fraser, Robert Winchester
Frederick, MacDonald
Freedman, Barnett
Freeman, Samuel
Freeman, W. H.
Freeth, Hubert Andrew
French, Henry
Frick, Fritz
Friesz, Emile Othon
Frink, Elisabeth
Frith, David
Frith, David and Margaret
Frith, Margaret
Fritsch, Elizabeth
Frolich, Lorens
Frost, Sir Terry
Fryer, Katherine Mary
Fuller, Geoffrey
Furnival, John
Furst, Donald
Fuseli, Henry
Gabain, Ethel Leontine
Gale, Elizabeth (Liz)
Gallagher, Paul
Galloway, Jessie G.
Galloway , Patience
Gamboa, Helga
Garcia, Edith
Garnier, Étienne Barthélémy
Garrett, Albert Charles
Gascoine, John
Gaskell, George Percival
Gaucher, Charles Étienne
Gautier, Lucien Marcelin
Gérard , François Pascal Simon
Gérard, Jean Ignace Isidore
Gellée, Claude
Gentleman, David
Genya, Sonobe
Geoffroy, Charles-Michel
George, Adrian
George, Mark John
Gerard, Jean-Nicolas
Geszler, Maria
Giacchetta, Natalie
Giacomelli, Mario
Giardelli, Arthur
Gibbon, Benjamin Phelps
Gibbs, Ann
Gibbs, Evelyn May
Gibson, John
Gilbert, Frederick
Gilbert, John
Gilbert, William Schwenk
Gill, Eric
Gill, William
Gillett, Edward Frank
Gillray, James
Giuliani, Giuliano
Glamorgan Pottery,
Gleeson, David Paul
Glick, John
Goddard, George Bouverie
Goddard, J.
Godlee, Norah L.
Godwin, James
Golding, Gillian
Goldstone, Julie
Gonzales-Vigil, Ana-Cecilia
Goodall, Edward
Goodman, Charles E
Goodwin, Miss Edith C.
Gordon-Cumming, G.F.
Gorham , Charles
Gorner, Veta
Gough, D.J.
Goulding, Jan
Goupy, Joseph
Gow, Andrew Carrick
Goya, Francisco de
Goyen, Jan van
Graham, Rigby
Graham, Thomas Alexander Ferguson
Graham, Virginia
Grainger, Ian
Grant, Alistair
Grant, James Arden
Gravett, Terry
Gray, Paul Mary
Gray, Thomas
Greatbach, William
Greaves, Derrick
Green, Bernard Leslie
Green, Charles
Green, Gwen
Green, Henry Townley
Green, Ivan
Green, Kaye
Green, M.
Green, Peter
Green, T.
Greenaway, Myrtle
Greenwood, John F.
Greenwood, Sidney
Greetham, Robert Michael
Greg, Barbara
Gregory, Ian
Greig, John
Griffith, James Milo
Griffiths, David
Griffiths, Tina
Griggs, Frederick Landseer Maur
Grigsby, John
Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco
Grimm, Samuel Hieronymous
Grindley, M.
Griset, Ernest Henry
Gromaire, Marcel
Gross, Anthony
Gudin, Jean-Antoine Théodore
Gudino, Rita
Guillaumet, Gustave
Guillén , José Simont
Gunn, Ann
Gursoy, Mehmet
H.F.G., [Monogrammist]
Haddon, Arthur Trevor
Haden, Sir Francis Seymour
Hagreen, Philip
Haida tribe,
Hair, Charles
Hale, Kathleen
Hale, Sandra
Hall, Alfred Morgan
Hall, Christopher
Hall, Eric G.
Hall, Morgen
Hall, Simon
Halls, Susan
Hallward, Patience Mary
Halswelle, Keely
Hamada, Shoji
Hambourg, Andre
Hamer, Frank
Hamer, Janet
Hamilton, Richard
Hamlyn, Jane
Hammond, Lisa
Hampton, H.G.
Hanselaar, Marcelle
Hanson, Reginald
Hanssen Pigott, Gwyn
Harding, Deborah N.
Hardy, Thomas
Harper, Henry Andrew
Harries, Hywel
Harris, Roger
Harrison, Anthony
Harrison, George
Harrison, Thomas Michael
Hartill, Brenda
Hartley, Winifred
Hartrick, Archibald Standish
Hartung, Hans
Harvey, John
Harvey, John D.M.
Harvey, William
Hastings, Gerard
Hatchard, Anne
Havell, William
Hawdon, Paul
Haweis, M. E.
Hawkes, C.P.
Hawkins, Dennis
Hayashi, Yasuo
Hayden, Henri
Haydon, G. H.
Haydon, G. R.
Hayes, Peter
Hayes & Co,
Hayley, Henry J.
Hayter, Stanley William
Hayter-Phillips, Helen
Haythorne, Margaret Curtis
Haywood, Kate
Hüllman, G.W.
He , Runcheng
Heald, Mark
Heaps, Alan
Hearn, Kathryn
Heath, Charles Theodosius
Hebbelinck, Roger
Hebridean Pottery,
Hecht, Joseph
Heeney, Gwen
Hees, Daniel
Heideloff, Carl Alexander
Henderson, Elsie Marian
Henderson, Ewen
Henderson, Sandie
Henderson, W.
Henley, Lionel Charles
Hennessy, William John
Herbert, Martin
Herdman, Robert
Hereford Tiles Ltd.,
Herkomer, Sir Hubert von
Herman, Josef
Hermes, Gertrude
Heron, Patrick
Hesmondhalgh, Brendan
Hessenberg, Karin
Heward, Tony
Hewett, Sarah F.
Hewitt, Mark
Hewlett, Francis
Heyerdahl, Hans (Olaf Halvor)
Hicks Jenkins, Clive
Higashida, Shigemasa
Hilder, Rowland
Hill, G.
Hill, Paul
Hill, W.
Hills, Robert
Hine, Henry George
Hines, Frederick W.
Hirowaka, Tetsuo
Ho, Wuon-Gean
Hobbs, Peter
Hockney, David
Hodgson, Carole
Hogarth, William
Hole, Nina
Holl, William
Holl, William
Holland, Harry
Hollar, Wenceslaus
Holloway, Edgar
Holloway, Tim
Holmes, Beatrix
Homoky, Nicholas
Hone, Nathaniel
Hood, Thomas
Hoogland, Niek
Hoonah tribe,
Hope, Rosa S.
Hopkins, Alfred George
Hopkins, Arthur
Hopkins, Edna Bel Boies
Hopwood, James
Houghton, Arthur Boyd
Hounsell, Frank W.
Hountchonou and Bambigbola, Angeline and Veronique
Hourahane, Shelagh M.
House, Gordon
Howard, Henry R.
Howard-Jones, Rosemary (Ray)
Howarth, Albany E.
Howell, Catrin
Howson, Peter
Howson Taylor, William
Hoyle, Walter
Hoyton, Edward Bouverie
Hu , Chao
Huang, Yuanqiang
Huard, Louis
Hubbard, Eric Hesketh
Hudson, Henry John
Hudson, Tom
Hughes, Aled Rhys
Hughes, Arthur
Hughes, Edward
Hughes , Elin
Hughes, M. L.
Hughes, Malcolm
Hughes, Patrick
Hughes, Susanna Harris
Hughes-Stanton, Blair Rowlands
Hull, Edward
Hullmandel, Charles Joseph
Hulse, H.
Hum, Ponimin. M.
Humphries, David
Hunt, Alfred William
Hunt, Sue
Hunt, William Holman
Hunter, Colin
Hunter, Robert
Hupa, Yurok and Karok tribes,
Hurn, David
Huttula, Richard C.
Huxley-Jones, Thomas Bayliss
Hyo Lee, Kang
Ibata, Katsue
Isaac, Bert
Jackson, Donald
Jackson, Rosa
Jackson, Sheila
Jacomb-Hood, George Percy
Jacques, Robin
James, Anne
James, Louis
James, Maggie
James, Shani Rhys
James, Walter John
Jameson, Norma
Janes, Alfred
Janes, Norman
Janinet, Jean François
Janssen, Horst
Jaray, Tess
Jarvis, Roland
Jefferson, Cathi
Jefferson, Robert
Jenkins, Heinke
Jenkins, Paul
Jenkins Family,
Jennings, Edgar Owen
Jepson, Nigel
Jessel, W.J.
John, Augustus Edwin
John, Sir William Goscombe
Johnsoh, Alfred J.
Johnson, Edward Killingworth
Johnson, Harry John
Johnson, John
Johnstone, Sandra
Jones, Barbara Mildred
Jones, C.
Jones, Colin Herbert Beyné
Jones, David
Jones, G.S.
Jones, Gareth John
Jones, Glyn
Jones, Ian
Jones, John
Jones, John
Jones, Leslie
Jones, Margaret Dorothy
Jones, Olwen
Jones, Stanley
Jones, Sydney Robert
Jones, Timothy Emlyn
Jones, William E.
Jones, William Edward
Jones-Hughes, Steffan
Joseph, Jane
Joyau, Amédée
Joyce, Richard
Justyne, Percy William
Kacker, Vineet
Kaiser, Eduard
Kalinovich, Konstantin Y.
Kauffmann, Angelica
Kawai, Kanjiro
Kay, John
König, Heidi
Kümpel, Wilhelm
Keane, John
Keating, Tom
Keeler, Madoline
Keeler, Walter
Keene, Charles Samuel
Keeney, Christy
Keep, Jonathan
Keeping, Charles
Kelley, Jo
Kelly, Francis Robert
Kelly, Patricia
Kemp, Roslyn
Kemp, Trevor
Kempster, William
Ken, Matsuzaki
Keogh, Karen
Kescemeti, Sandor
Keyl, Frederick Wilhelm
Khan, Adella
Kidner, Michael
Kiggell, Ralph
Kim, Sun Ae
King, Amanda Catherine Elizabeth
Kirby, John
Kirk, Nancy
Kirk, Thomas
Kirkpatrick, Joseph
Klee, Paul
Klein, Anita
Klein, F. Maud
Klinghoffer, S.
Knapton, Charles
Knell, William Callcott
Knewstub, Walter John
Knight, Dame Laura
Knutson, Reuben
Koch, Gabriele
Koh, Eunkang
Koie, Ryoji
Komjati, Julius
Koppel, Heinz
Koster, David
Krafft, Charles
Kraguly, Radovan
Krüger the Junior,
Kressel, Dieter
Kreutzinger, Josef
Kuhmar, Udai Lal
Kuhn, Beate
Kunisada, Utagawa
Kupfernagel, Heinz
Kusakabe, Masakazu
Kvastye, Jolante
Kwali, Ladi
la Dell, Edwin
Lacauchie, Alexandre
Laczynski, Marek
Lagana, Eliseo
Laird, Arthur R.
Lalique, René Jules
Lamb, Elspeth
Lamb Picknell, William
Lambert, Nigel
Lamont, Catherine A.
Lamont, Thomas Reynolds
Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry
Lanfranco, Giovanni
Langaskens, Maurice
Lange, Peter
Langford, Martin
Larkins, William Martin
Larusdottir , Karolina
Launder, Richard
Lavery, Sir John
Law, Vera
Lawless, Matthew James
Lawlor, Stephen
Lawrence, Les
Lawrence, Peter
Lawrence, Wendy
Lawson, Cecil Gordon
Lawson, Francis Wilfred
Lawson, John
Lazarov, Peter
Léger, Fernand
le Barbier, Jean Jacques François
le Bas, Edward
Le Bas, Jacques Philippe
Le Brun, Charles
le Clair, B.
Le Febre, Valentin
Le Quesne, Ann-Marie
Leach, Bernard Howell
Leach , David
Leach, John
Leach, Michael
Leach (nee Darnell), Janet
Lear, Edward
Lee, James N.
Lee, Rupert
Lee, Sydney
Lee, Vivien Chia-Wen
Leech, John
Leftwich, George Rober
Legros, Vivant Alphonse
Leighton, Clare Veronica Hope
Leighton, John
Leighton, Lord Frederic
Leiss, Francesco Ferruccio
Leitch, Richard Principal
Lekegian, G.
Lelée, Léopold
Lemberger, Georg
Leonardo da Vinci,
Lepére, Auguste Louis
Leplante, C.
Leslie, George Dunlop
Lessing, Erich
Lessore, Thérèse
Lewenstein, Eileen
Lewin, Angie
Lewis, George Robert
Lewis, John Frederick
Lewis, Percy Wyndham
Lewis, Roy
Lewis, Rudy
Lhote, André
Li , Jialing
Li, Jun
Li , Ru
Li, Yuan
Li, Yueqiu
Li , Zhao
Liao, Chun
Lim, Mikang
Lin, Jun
Lines, Vincent Henry
Linnell Junior, John
Linton, James Dromgole
Linton, William James
Liu, Hui
Liu , Jing
Liu, Juan
Liu , Shengwen
Liu, Yalan
Liu, Yaxan
Lloyd, Trevor
Lloyd Jones, David
Lloyd Jones, Mary
Lockwood, Sandy
Loder, Claire
Lodge, John
Lodge, T.A.
Lopez, Edmundo
Lorimer, Will
Lose, C.
Lose, Friedrich
Lowe, Ceri
Lowe, Lincoln
Lowe, Ronald
Lowndes, Gillian
Lowry, Laurence Stephen
Lu, Yu
Lucas, Caroline
Lucas, Horatio Joseph
Lucas, William
Luger, Sue
Lumsden, Ernest Stephen
Lungley, Dorothy
Lungley, Martin
Luo, Wenguang
Luo, Xiangke
Lupton, Thomas Goff
Lurçat, Jean
Macbeth, Robert Walker
MacBryde, Robert
MacCarthy, Sophie
MacEwan, Sheila
Macfarlan, Robin
Macfarlane, John Foster
Mackenzie, Frederick
MacKenzie, Warren
Mackley, George Edward
Macklin, Judy
Macleod, William Douglas
Macquoid, Thomas Robert
Mahoney, James
Majolica Works,
Major, Thomas
Malet, Guy
Mallin Davis, Joanna
Malone, Jim
Malone, Kate
Maltby, John
Malthouse, Eric
Manskirch, Franz Joseph
Mappin & Webb,
Mappin Brothers,
Marcavage, Janet
Marchant, Leonard
Marks, Grete
Marks, Henry Stacy
Marot, Daniel
Marques, Francisco Domingo
Marquet, Albert
Marriot, Frederick
Marshall, Ann
Marshall, Will Levi
Marshall, William
Martin, Audrey
Martin, Frank
Martin, Gwyn
Martin, Jenny
Martin, John
Martin, Louis
Martin, Thomas
Martin Brothers,
Martinsons, Peteris
Mathieson, John George
Matis, Carlo
Matisse, Henri
Mattei, Luigi E.
Matthews, Donald
Matthews, Graham P.
Matthews, Robert
May, Phil
Maynard, Robert Ashwin
Mazzola (Parmigianino), Girolamo Francesco
Müller, William James
McAllister Turner, William
McBean, Angus
McBey, James
McCall, Archie
McConnell, William
McCormick, Ron
McCoy, Josie
McDonald, Ionia
McFadyen, Jock
McGarva, Andrew
McGlynn, Peter
McIntyre, Donald
McKenzie, Brian
McLachlan, Flora
McNab, Iain
McNicoll, Carol
McWhirter, John W.
Meadows, Bernard
Meadows, Joseph Kenny
Meadows, Lucy
Meanley, Peter
Mearns, Lois M.
Measor, W.
Medworth, Frank Charles
Mellan, Claude
Mellan, Sarah E. J.
Mellis, Charlotte
Melville, Harden Sidney
Menpes, Mortimer Luddington
Mercier, J.D.
Merke, H.
Metz, Conrad Martin
Meyrick, Robert Kendall
Michelangelo Buonarroti,
Michikawa, Shozo
Middleditch, Edward
Miles, Gordon
Miles, Helen Jane Arundel
Millais, John Everett
Miller, Jack
Miller, John Parr
Mills, Eleri
Min, Chen
Minardi, Tommaso
Mincham, Jeff
Mindermann, Martin
Minne, George
Minton, John
Mirleleur, J.
Mitcham, Benedict
Mitchell, Peter
Mitelli, Guiseppe Maria
Miwu tribe,
Moncornet, Balthasar
Monk, Sarah
Monti, Paolo
Mooney, Sean
Moore, Dennis
Moore, Edward Henry
Moore, Henry Spencer
Moore, James
Moore, Jeremy
Moore, Leslie
Moore, Raymond
Moran , Peter
Morgan, Ben M.
Morgan, Charles W.
Morgan, Jeffrey F.
Morgan, Matthew Somerville
Morgan, William Evan Charles
Mori, Masahiro
Morland, George
Morley, Harry
Morris, Cedric
Morris, John Meirion
Morten, Thomas
Mortimer, John Hamilton
Mortimer-Jones, David
Morton, Ronald
Mosse Pottery,
Mote, William Henry
Moyreau, Jean
Mrozewski, Stefan
Mulholland, Rosa
Mulinari, Stefano
Muller, C.T.
Mullis, Nathan
Mulready, William
Muraton, Euphémie
Murphy, Charlie
Murphy, Ingrid
Murray, Charles
Murray, Charles Oliver
Murray, George
Murray, William Grant
Murray-Smith, David
Music, Zoran Anton
Mycock, William Salter
Myers, Emily
Mynott, Derek George
Mynott, Gerald Philip
Naethe, Thomas
Nagel, Hanna
Nakamura, Kimpei
Nantgarw Pottery,
Napp, Beverley
Narum, Svein
Nash, David
Nash, John
Nash, John
Nash, Paul
Nasmyth, Alexander
Nazirov, Alisher
Needler, Alison
Neer, Aert van der
Nemenova, Gerta Mikhailova
Nemeth, Susan
Nepo-Stieldorf, Gabriela
Nesbitt, John
Newcomb, Barbara
Newcombe, R.
Newell, Rev. Robert Hassall
Newman, Verity
Newman & Co., J.
Nez Perce tribe,
Nguyen, Rosa
Nicholas, Peter
Nicholson, Sir William
Nicol, Erskine
Nicol, Philip
Nisbet, Scott
Nixon, Job
Noel, Anna
Noel, Sarah
Noke, Charles John
Nolan, Sir Sidney
Nootka tribe,
Noott, Edward
North, John William
Norton, Wilfred
Not Known,
Nunn, Stephen J.
O'Byrne, Susan
Oakes, Frederick G.
Oblakulov, Numon
OBrien, Michael
Odell, Francesca
Odundo, Magdalene
Oelman, Michael
Oestrich, Jeff
Oiwake, Megumi
Oliver, Stephen
Oliver, William
Orchardson, William Quiller
Organ, Bryan
Orr, Christopher
Osborn, Emily Mary
Osborne, James Thomas Armour
Osborne, Malcolm
Ostinelli & Priest, Gaynor & Paul
Otani, Shiro
Ou, Fei Fei
Outrim, John
Ovani, Germano
Overend, William Heysham
Owen, Elspeth
Owen, Neil
Owen, Trefor
Owens, Vernon
O'Brien, Willis
Pacchiarotto, Giacomo
Paine, Sheila
Pakenham-Walsh, Mabel
Palaniappan, Muthukaruppan
Palmer, Garrick
Palmer, Samuel
Paolozzi, Eduardo Luigi
Pardoe, Thomas
Park, Suku
Parkyns, George Isham
Partridge, Sir Bernard
Pasmore, Victor
Pasquier, James Abbott
Passe, Crispin van de
Patel, Trupti
Paterson, Helen
Paton, Joseph Noel
Patuszynska, Monika
Pavia, Maestro di
Pawnee tribe,
Payn, Rebecca
Payne, Freya
Paynter, Hilary
Pazmandi, Antal
Pearce, Cyril C.
Pearson, Colin
Pearson, R.
Pearsons of Chesterfield,
Pebworth, Pam
Penn, Christine
Pennie, Michael
Pereira, Lillianna
Perez, Gustav
Perez, Rafael
Perry, Ernest
Perryman, Jane
Perugino, Pietro
Peters, L.J.
Peterson, Lillemor
Petterson, Melvyn
Pettie, John
Petts, John
Pharis, Mark
Philipp, Martin Erich
Phillips, Anthony
Phillips, Ian
Phillips, Nicholas
Phillips, Thomas
Phillips, Tom
Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista
Picart, Bernard
Picasso, Pablo Ruiz
Picault, Émile Louis
Pickering, Jeffrey
Pickersgill, Frederick Richard
Pierse, Simon
Pietsch, Joachim
Pig, Chris
Pignon, Édouard
Pilkington, Margaret
Pillosu, Anna Maria
Piloty, Carl Theodore Von
Piloty, Ferdinand
Pim, Henry
Pincombe, Helen
Pinelli, Bartolomeo
Pinkney, Richard
Pinturicchio, Bernardino di Betto
Pinwell, George John
Piper, John
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Pissarro, Orovida Camille
Pitteri, Marco Alvise
Platt, John Gerald
Pleydell-Bouverie, Katharine
Plowman, Chris
Plumb, John
Podesta, Giovanni Andrea
Polk, Andrew
Pollex, John
Poloway, Michael Louis
Poncelet, Jacqueline
Pond, Arthur
Poole Pottery,
Portch, Julian
Porter, John L.
Porter, Sir Robert Ker
Poskovic, Endi
Potts, George Brinewood
Pound, Daniel John
Poussin (Dughet), Gaspard
Povey, Edward
Powell, Alfred Hoare
Powell, I. & W.
Powell, Louise
Poynter, Sir Edward John
Prangnell, Eileen
Prendergast, Peter
Prentice, Dinah
Pretsell, Philomena
Price, Alan
Price, Leslie
Price, Stephen
Price, Trevor
Prichard, Gwilym
Prinsep, Valentine Cameron
Priolo, Paulo
Prior, William Henry
Pritchett, Robert Taylor
Procaccini, Andrea
Procter, John
Prout, Samuel
Pughe, Buddug Anwylini
Pujos, Jean André
Puller, L.
Pundurs, Dainis
Punt, Michael
Purcell, Edward
Pynacker, Adam
Quackenbush, Liz
Quayle, Stephanie
Quemby, Sigrid
Rahneberg, Marianne
Raidel, Anton
Rakhimov, Akbar
Rakhimov, Alisher
Rathmell, Thomas
Ravenscroft, Anna
Raverat, Gwendolen, Mary
Ravilious, Eric
Rawlinson , William Thomas
Ray-Jones, Raymond
Rückert, Peter
Read, Arthur Rigden
Rebel, Jules
Reed, Dennis William
Reed, E.T.
Reed, Ginny
Rees, Catherine
Rees, Len
Regemorter, Ignatius Josephus van
Regina, Heinz
Regnart, Patricia A.
Rego, Paula
Reitz, Don
Renford, Wilhelm
Reni, Guido
Rennell, Mary
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Restall, Pea
Retzlaff, Erich
Reynolds, Samuel William
Reynolds, Sir Joshua
Rhodes, Clara
Rice, Bernard
Rice, Brian
Richards, Ceri Geraldus
Richards, Frances Emma
Richards, Frederick Charles
Richardson, Herbert Henry (Hughes)
Richardson & Co., A. G.
Richardson-Jones, Keith
Riches, J.
Richiardi, Joseph
Rickard, Mark
Ridgewell, John
Ridgway & Co., William
Ridgwell, Martin
Ridley, B.
Ridley, Matthew White
Rie, Lucie
Rigaud, Hyacinthe
Rigo, Jules Alfred Vincent
Rijn, Rembrandt van
Rijn (School of), Rembrandt Van
Rivière, Briton
RKO Productions,
Robert of Clermont,
Roberts, Barbara
Roberts, David
Roberts, Henry Benjamin
Roberts, Hilary
Roberts, John Vivian
Roberts, Martin W.
Roberts, Will
Roberts-Jones, Ivor
Robertson, Henry Robert
Robertson, Percy
Robinson, Anne Marie
Robinson, Charles F.
Robinson, Sarah
Robinson, Sheila
Robison, Jim
Rodd, Mary Constance Vivian
Rodewald, Claude
Rodgers, Emma
Rodgers, Gladys M.
Rodgers, Nicholas Stephen
Rogers, John
Rogers, Mary
Rogers, Phil
Rogers, Ray
Rogers, Stephanie
Roiter, Fulvio
Romney, George
Romule, Illona
Rooke, Noel
Rooker, Edward
Rooker, Michael 'Angelo'
Rordorf, Conrad Caspar
Rorer, Abigail
Rosa, Salvator
Roscoe, Mark
Rose, Clare
Rose, Gerald
Rose, Shelley
Rosen, Annabeth
Rosenberg, Louis Conrad
Rosoman, Leonard
Ross, Charles H.
Ross, William Charles
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Rota, Martin
Rothenstein, Michael
Rouargue (Frères), Adolphe and Émile
Rousseau, Étienne-Pierre-Théodore
Rowan, Eric
Rowbottom, Susan
Rowley, Hugh
Rowntree, Kenneth
Royal Copenhagen,
Royal Crown Derby,
Royal Doulton,
Royal Lancastrian Pottery,
Royce, John
Royds, Mabel Allington
Rubens, Peter Paul
Rudolph, Francis
Rufford, G.
Rule, Dan
Ruscha, Keramik
Rushbury, Sir Henry George
Ruskin Pottery,
Rutelli, Mario
Ryland, I. (or J.)
Ryland, William Wynne
Saccomano, Blanca
Sada, Elke
Sadanobu I, Hasegawa
Sadeler, Aegidius
Sadler and Sons Ltd., James
Saebens, Hans
Saedeleer, Valerius de
Saint-Andre, Louis Berthommé
Sala, George Augustus Henry
Salazar, Fiona
Salbitani, Roberto
Salmon, Chris
Salmond, Ronald
Sambourne, Edward Linley
Sandby, Paul
Sanderson, H.
Sandle, Michael
Sands, Ben
Sandys, Anthony Frederick Augustus
Sanmarti, Maria
Santos, Bartolomeu dos
Sanzio (Raphael), Raffaello
Sargent, Patrick
Sargent, Waldo
Saunders, Colin
Saunders, David
Sautin, Lea
Savart, Pierre
Scarfe, Gerald
Scarfe, Laurence
Scarlett Howard, Katie
Schanilec, Gaylord
Schäffenacker, Helmut Friedrich
Scheid, Ursula
Schenail, J.E.
Schiavonetti, Luigi
Schloessingk, Micki
Schmidt, Ludwig
Schmied, D.A.
Schmitz, L.
Schultz, Christian
Schwimmer, Thomas
Scotchie, Virginia
Scotland White, Robert
Scott, Paul
Scott, Thomas David
Scott, William
Seabrook, Grace
Seaby, Allen William
Seccombe, Thomas S.
Seddon, John Pollard
See-Paynton, Colin
Sellers, James
Semenoff, Nik
Sempegala, George
Serré, Georges
Serres, Dominique
Setch, Terry
Sewell, Trevor George
Shabalala, Victor
Shannon, Charles Haslewood
Shao, Ting-Ju
Shapiro, Jeff
Sharp, Paul
Sharpe, Charles William
Shaw, Vicky
Sheil, Edward
Shepard, Ernest Howard
Sheppard, Maurice R.
Sheppard, Peter
Shepperson, Claude Allin
Sherborn, Charles William
Shields, Frederick James
Shiomi, Nana
Short, Denys Robert Charles
Short, Frank
Shoshoni tribe,
Shurrock, Christopher
Sichem, Christoffel van
Sickert, Walter Richard
Simmen, Henri
Simpson, William
Singh, Sushila
Sinnott, Kevin
Sithole, Clive
Skeaping, John
Skelton, Percival
Skiöld, Birgit
Skill, Frederick John
Slater, Eric
Slee, Richard
Sleigh, Bronwen
Slinger, F.J.
Slipwear, Lancashire
Small, William
Smallfield, Frederick
Smeeton, Joseph Burn
Smith, A.V.
Smith, Adam
Smith, Benjamin
Smith, Daniel
Smith, George
Smith, Howard
Smith, John Raphael
Smith, John 'Warwick'
Smith, Peter
Smith, Simon
Smith, William Raymond
Soldner, Paul
Solomon, Rebecca
Solomon, Simeon
Soper, George
Sparks, Nathaniel
Spear, Francis Howard
Spencer-Pryse, Gerald
Spender, Humphrey
Sperschneider, Hans
Speyer, Chris
Spikes, Dorry
Spira, Rupert
Springinklee, Hans
Squirrell, Leonard R.
St Ives Pottery,
Stabler, Phoebe
Staccioli, Paolo
Stadler, Joseph Constantine
Stafford, Dan
Stahl, Rudi
Stair, Julian
Staite Murray, William
Stanfield, Clarkson Frederick
Staniland, Charles Joseph
Staniland, Jane
Stanley, Jacqueline
Stanley Hutton, Clarke
Stanton, George Clark
Stanton, Horace Hughes
Stanton, Patricia
Stark, James
Starkey, Peter
Stather, John
Steel, George Hammond
Steel, Kenneth
Steele, Gourlay
Steele, Jeffrey
Stein, Joel
Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre
Sterner, Albert Edward
Stevens, Norman
Still, Gillian
Stockdale, Miss C.M.
Stockmans, Piet
Stocks, Lumb
Stone, A.
Stone, Frank
Stone, Marcus
Stones, Alan
Storch & Kramer,
Storer, James Sargant
Storkanova, Sonja
Strang, Ian
Strang, William
Strasynski, Leonard Ludwik
Street, Freda J.
Stretch, Matthew
Stroud, Peter
Studd, Leonard
Style, T.
Suarez, Graciela
Sugaï, Kumi
Sulman, T.
Sun, Yu
Sutcliffe, Edward
Sutherland, Graham Vivian
Suttie, Angus
Swansea Pottery,
Sweetings, T.
Swift, Adelaide H.
Swimmer, Thomas
Swindell, Geoffrey
Syer, John
Taberyová, Marta
Tadema, Lawrence Alma
Taj-Eddin, Zahed
Takeda, Takehito
Tanner, Robin
Tardieu, Ambroise
Tarr, James Cresser
Tavener, Robert
Tayler, John Frederick
Taylor, Charles William
Taylor, E.S.
Taylor, Eric
Taylor , Fraser
Taylor, Hughes
Taylor, Jo
Taylor, Rose
Taylor, S.M. Louisa
Taylor, Sutton
Tchalenko, Janice
Tegtmeier, Wilhelm
Tempesta, Antonio
Teniers, David the Younger
Tenniel, John
Terechkovitch, Constantin
Ternes, Rita
Teuber, Hermann
Teuteberg, Sabina
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Thévenet, Jacques
Theakston, Anthony
Thomas, Dorothy
Thomas, George Housman
Thomas, Gwilym
Thomas, John Evan
Thomas, M.
Thomas, Marcus
Thomas, Percy
Thomas, William Luson
Thompson, Alfred
Thompson, Herbert
Thomson, James
Thomson, John Gordon
Thomson, Louis (Louisa)
Thorington, Caroline
Thornton, Harold
Thornton, Valerie
Throttle, Peter
Tickell, Richard Eustace
Tiley, Roger
Tilly, Auguste
Tillyer, William
Tilson, Joe
Tily, Eugène James
Tinker, David
Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti
Tinworth, George
Tisdall, Hans
Tissot, M.
Tiziano (Titian), Vecellio
Tlingit tribe,
Tolu, Priamo
Tomkins, Charles
Tower, James
Tracey, Paul
Tress, David
Trevelyan, Julian Otto
Trevena, Shirley
Trotter, Thomas
Tschachler-Nagy, Gerhild
Tsivin, Vladimir
Tsui, William
Tsuritani, Kouki
Tuck, Harry
Tudball, Ruthanne
Tunnicliffe, Charles
Turcatty, Alphonse
Turner, Joseph Mallord William
Turner, Lee
Tustin, Sidney
Twohig, Edward
Tyler, Jane
Tyson, Gill
Tyson, Ian
Tytler, Mary Fraser
Tyzack, Micheal
Uglow, Ruth
Uhlick, Sam
Uhlman, Fred
Underwood, Leon
Unwin, Nora Spicer
Upton, Captain
Urquhart, Murray
Urushibara, Yoshijiro
Valles, Diego
Vanni, Giovanni Battista
Varga, Judit
Vasarely, Victor
Vasari, Giorgio
Vasi, Giuseppe
Vaughan, Keith
Václav, Serác
Vásquez Cruz, Angélica
Veit, Rudolf
Velde, Willem van der (the Younger)
Vendramini, Giovanni (John)
Vernet, Antoine-Charles-Horace
Vernet, Émile-Jean-Horace
Vernier, Charles
Veronesi, Luigi
Verrall, Nicholas
Verwood Pottery,
Veyrassat, Jules Jacques
Viana, Gabriella
Vicari, Andrew
Vickers, Alfred
Vikova, Jindra
Villon, Jacques
Vining, Frank
Viotti, Ulla
Vitali, Pietro Marco
von Heideken, C. L.
Vukicevic, Velimir
Vyse, Charles
Waals, Peter
Wade, Virginia Caroline
Wakefield, Paul
Walcot, William
Walker, Agatha
Walker, Alexander
Walker, B.
Walker, Bernard Eyre
Walker, Francis Sylvester
Walker, Frederick
Walker, Jane
Walker, William
Wallace, Robert Bruce
Wallis, James
Wallis, Robert
Walmsley, Thomas
Walters, Evan John
Walters, Hannah
Walters, K.
Walton, Sarah
Wan, Liu
Wang, Hao
Ward, James Charles
Ward, John
Ward, Leslie 'Spy'
Ward, Trevor A.
Warren, T.H.
Waterlow & Sons,
Watermill Pottery,
Waters, Brian
Waters, Gary
Waters, James and Tilla
Watkins, Gwyn
Watkins, T.M.J.
Watson, Constance Stella
Watson, James
Watson, John Dawson
Way, Thomas Robert
Webb, Clifford
Webb, Joseph
Webb, Mabel
Webb, William J.
Webber, John
Webster, Christopher
Webster, Thomas
Wedgwood, Josiah
Wedmore, H.R.
Weedon, Edwin
Weigel, Gottlind
Weingärtner, Marianne
Weir, E.F.
Weir, Harrison William
Weirotter, Franz Edmund
Weis, Dick
Weissauer, Rudolf
Wells, Meri
Wells, Reginald Fairfax
Wen, Li
Wen, Mujiang
Wen , Qing
Wenford Bridge Pottery,
Weschke, Karl
Wesselman, Frans
West, Marshall
Westall, Richard
Whaley, Harold
Wheatley, Francis
Wheeler, E.J.
Whessell, John
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill
White, Mary
White, T.
Whitehead, Steven
Whiting, Geoffrey
Whittaker, James Wilson
Whymper, Edward J.
Whymper, Josiah Wood
Wiegand, W.J.
Wiggins, Toby
Wight, Dorothea
Wilkes, Edward R.
Wilkie, David
Wilkins, William Powell
Williams, Annie
Williams, Christopher David
Williams, Christopher Ivor
Williams, Claudia
Williams, Deiniol
Williams, Emrys
Williams, Glynn
Williams, J.
Williams, J.
Williams, Joan
Williams, Kyffin
Williams, Margaret Lindsay
Williams, Pete
Williams, Peter Sheldon
Williams, Rev. Evan
Williams, Thomas
Williams-Ellis, Bronwyn
Willingham, Roy
Willoughby, Esther
Willoughby, Judy
Willson, Terry
Willumsen, Bode Bertel Willum
Wilson, Anné
Wilson, Conor
Wilson, Edgar
Wilson, Eli Marsden
Wilson, Mo
Wilson, Richard
Wilson, Scottie
Wilson, William
Wimperis, Edmund Morrison
Winchcombe Pottery,
Windham, Carole
Wine, Jesse
Winn, Bruce
Winner, Gerd
Winterburn, Mollie
Wirgman, Theodore Blake
Witcombe, John
Withrow, Evelyn Almond
Wolf, Joseph
Wood, Alan
Wood, Catherine Mary
Wood, Fane
Wood, J.F.R.
Wood, Karen
Wood, Pauline
Wood, Tom
Woodley, Frances
Woods, Henry
Woods, W.R.
Woollard, Dorothy Edith Griffiths
Woollen, Hilary
Woollett, William
Woolnoth, Thomas
Worthington, Alfred
Worthington, William Henry
Wouwerman, Philips
Wray, Peter
Wren, Denise
Wren, Rosemary
Wright, John
Wright, John
Wright, John William
Wright , Joseph
Wright, Norah
Wright, Stuart Pearson
Wyse, Henry Taylor
Xiao , Chire
Xiao , Fuping
Xiao , Jieran
Xiao , Zhuo
Xie, Hao
Xie, Min Jie
Xie, Ran
Xu, Xu
Yasuda, Takeshi
Yeap, Poh Chap
Yershov, Yuri Alexeitch [or Alexitch]
Yorigame, Cheiko
Young, Andrew and Joanna
Young, Jean
Young, Mary Rose
Young, Paul
Young, Stephen
Youngman, Nan
Zanetti, Anton Maria
Zangaki, C. [&/or G.]
Zhang, Liming
Zhang , Pengguo
Zhang, Yeping
Zheng, Shi
Zobole, Ernest
Zoellner, Louis
Zorn, Anders
Zuccarelli, Francesco
Zulawski, Marek
Zunino, Mark
Zuo, Wei
Zwecker, Johann Baptist
Šašek, Miroslav
Charles Altamont Doyle Born: 1832, UK, England, London Died: 1893, UK, Scotland
Designer, painter and illustrator. Son of political cartoonist John Doyle, known as ‘HB’, and brother of Richard ‘Dicky’ Doyle, prominent illustrator for Punch magazine. Moved to Edinburgh in 1846 to work as an architectural draughtsman for the Scottish government, a position he held for 30 years. During this time he also made illustrations for books and magazines. Married in 1855 and had 7 children, the eldest being Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), who became the well-known author of Sherlock Holmes. Unfortunately Charles Doyle suffered from low self-esteem, and after taking to alcoholism and depression, was admitted to a mental institution around 1881. Here he continued to make art, mostly of fairies and macabre fantasy scenes, for which he is best known, but also illustrations of visual puns with clever wordplay. Despite feeling strongly this was wrongful confinement he spent the rest of his life in asylums and died of an epileptic fit. His son Arthur Conan Doyle held a well-received exhibition of his works in 1924
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