Publication Title: Livy 1560-1600 Woodcut on cream paper
110 x 150 mm.
From Icones Livianae (Livy VIII.7): Praecipuas Romanorum vivam expressas....per Philippum Lonicerum (BR XXV p1 LXXVI). Also from Titi Livii Patavini Romanae Historiae Principis, Libri omnes, Quot quot ad nostrum altatum peruenemnt (Liber Primus). One edition of Livy's 'History of Rome from its Foundation' containing this woodcut was published in 1568 by Wingandus Gallus in Frankfurt. It is unclear whether this print is from that edition
Foreground: a soldier executes Titus Manlius using a guillotine. Left side: a senior soldier on horseback, demands the attention of the executor. Middleground: soldiers gather and rest around tents, prisoners are lashed. Background: a walled town on a hill top and soldiers fighting