Prints / PR3456 Poolside Reflection 2007 Wood engraving with chine collé 102 x 89 mm.Purchase: Hart Gallery, London 2009Funding support: MLA and The Art FundFrom an edition of 40
show object description A silhouetted male figure stands in front of a mirror/window which reflects him looking towards ornately decorated swimming baths. There doesn't appear to be any water in the pool which leads us to think that the baths are historical - perhaps roman baths? The surface of the print is textured as water.
A silhouetted male figure stands in front of a mirror/window which reflects him looking towards ornately decorated swimming baths. There doesn't appear to be any water in the pool which leads us to think that the baths are historical - perhaps roman baths? The surface of the print is textured as water. --other objects by this Artist/Maker-- (Prints) PR3453 Babel Tower in Pieces
(Prints) PR3466 Beneath the Surface
(Prints) PR3450 British Museum Series, No. 4
(Prints) PR3455 Dark Stairwell, Victoria Baths, Manchester
(Prints) PR3454 Light Stairwell, Victoria Baths, Manchester
(Prints) PR3451 Matera, Towards Evening
(Prints) PR3449 New World, the Fall
(Prints) PR3457 Progress/Progression I
(Prints) PR3458 Progress/Progression II
(Prints) PR3459 Progress/Progression III
(Prints) PR3460 Progress/Progression IV
(Prints) PR3465 Progress/Progression IX
(Prints) PR3461 Progress/Progression V
(Prints) PR3462 Progress/Progression VI
(Prints) PR3464 Progress/Progression VIII
(Prints) PR3463 Progress/Progression VII
(Prints) PR3452 Teatro Romano
(Prints) PR3448 Tower of Pisa, Perhaps
(Prints) PR3643 World War 1 - Flight