Prints / PR3453 Babel Tower in Pieces 1999 Wood engraving and linocut 75 x 108 mm.Purchase: Hart Gallery, London 2009Funding support: MLA and The Art FundFrom an edition of 45
show object description The ruined front of the Babel tower allows a view into the inside of the tower as well as the outside. The facade is yellow whereas the inside is black. The image has been split into four sections with vertical strips of clear paper showing in between them. Tiny figures and trees in various places around the tower show the tower's magnitude.
The ruined front of the Babel tower allows a view into the inside of the tower as well as the outside. The facade is yellow whereas the inside is black. The image has been split into four sections with vertical strips of clear paper showing in between them. Tiny figures and trees in various places around the tower show the tower's magnitude. --other objects by this Artist/Maker-- (Prints) PR3466 Beneath the Surface
(Prints) PR3450 British Museum Series, No. 4
(Prints) PR3455 Dark Stairwell, Victoria Baths, Manchester
(Prints) PR3454 Light Stairwell, Victoria Baths, Manchester
(Prints) PR3451 Matera, Towards Evening
(Prints) PR3449 New World, the Fall
(Prints) PR3456 Poolside Reflection
(Prints) PR3457 Progress/Progression I
(Prints) PR3458 Progress/Progression II
(Prints) PR3459 Progress/Progression III
(Prints) PR3460 Progress/Progression IV
(Prints) PR3465 Progress/Progression IX
(Prints) PR3461 Progress/Progression V
(Prints) PR3462 Progress/Progression VI
(Prints) PR3464 Progress/Progression VIII
(Prints) PR3463 Progress/Progression VII
(Prints) PR3452 Teatro Romano
(Prints) PR3448 Tower of Pisa, Perhaps
(Prints) PR3643 World War 1 - Flight