Baskets / Ba8 basket 1900-1923 split palm leaf 100 x 70 mm.Purchase: Dryad Handicrafts, Leicester 1923show object description Rectangular container with sliding fitted lid, diamond shaped weave with a green diagonal pattern. Interior red with a seperate natural coloured basket conainer.
Rectangular container with sliding fitted lid, diamond shaped weave with a green diagonal pattern. Interior red with a seperate natural coloured basket conainer. --other objects by this Artist/Maker-- (Archaeological) SA210 Alabaster from tombs
(Archaeological) SA214 Bowl
(Archaeological) A231 Fragment of painted coffin case
(Archaeological) A227 Glass Bottle, Romano British
(Archaeological) A226 object
(Archaeological) CA111 Pilgrim Flask with two handles
(Archaeological) CA115 Small bottle
(Archaeological) SA216 Small shallow bowl with accurately cut flat rim
(Archaeological) SA211 Test data
(Baskets) Ba3 bag
(Baskets) Ba4 bag
(Baskets) Ba5 bag
(Baskets) Ba6 bag
(Baskets) Ba1 basket
(Baskets) Ba15 basket
(Baskets) Ba17 basket
(Baskets) Ba19 basket
(Baskets) Ba2 Basket
(Baskets) Ba22 basket
(Baskets) Ba24 basket
(Baskets) Ba33 basket
(Baskets) Ba36 basket
(Baskets) Ba38 basket
(Baskets) Ba39 basket
(Baskets) Ba48 basket
(Baskets) Ba13 coiled basket
(Baskets) Ba27 disc plaque
(Baskets) Ba43 handle?
(Baskets) Ba12 shopping basket
(Baskets) Ba14 shopping basket
(Baskets) Ba9 shopping basket
(Ceramics) C646 'Sagrefitio' (Sacrifice) plate
(Ceramics) C856 Animal Pot
(Ceramics) C862 Apothecary jar
(Ceramics) C863 Apothecary jar
(Ceramics) C864 Apothecary jar
(Ceramics) C865 Apothecary jar
(Ceramics) C866 Apothecary jar
(Ceramics) C668 Basin and ewer
(Ceramics) C1985 Beaker
(Ceramics) C605 Bird on pedestal
(Ceramics) C604 Bird whistle
(Ceramics) C775 Blanc de Chine 'Rhinocerous horn' libation cup
(Ceramics) C776 Blanc de Chine 'Rhinocerous horn' libation cup
(Ceramics) C777 Blanc de Chine 'Rhinocerous horn' libation cup
(Ceramics) C778 Blanc de Chine 'Rhinocerous horn' libation cup
(Ceramics) C779 Blanc de Chine 'Rhinocerous horn' libation cup
(Ceramics) C780 Blanc de Chine 'Rhinocerous horn' libation cup
(Ceramics) C746 Blanc de Chine figure of a godess? in a Yoga pose
(Ceramics) C747 Blanc de Chine figure of a Lion of Fo with joss-st...
(Ceramics) C749 Blanc de Chine figure of a man / deity
(Ceramics) C750 Blanc de Chine long-necked bottle
(Ceramics) C774 Blanc de Chine octagonal dish / tray
(Ceramics) C833 Bottle
(Ceramics) C861 Bottle with flaring neck
(Ceramics) C1089 Bowl
(Ceramics) C1366 Bowl
(Ceramics) C1460 Bowl
(Ceramics) C664 Bowl
(Ceramics) C665 Bowl
(Ceramics) C667 Bowl
(Ceramics) C675 Bowl
(Ceramics) C737 Bowl
(Ceramics) C765 Bowl
(Ceramics) C773 Bowl
(Ceramics) C821 Bowl
(Ceramics) C841 Bowl
(Ceramics) C1988 Bowl
(Ceramics) C1990 Bowl
(Ceramics) C1991 Bowl
(Ceramics) C1992 Bowl
(Ceramics) C2006 Bowl
(Ceramics) C2007 Bowl
(Ceramics) C2008 Bowl
(Ceramics) C2020 Bowl
(Ceramics) C2021 Bowl
(Ceramics) C2032 Bowl
(Ceramics) C2053 Bowl
(Ceramics) C830 Bowl with lugs
(Ceramics) C837 Bowl with spout
(Ceramics) C618 Bread crock
(Ceramics) C2005 Casserole with Lid
(Ceramics) C740 Castle House, Aberystwyth, incense burner
(Ceramics) C622 Castor and Pollux
(Ceramics) C1720 Cat money box
(Ceramics) C623 Classical figure group
(Ceramics) C600 Closed jar
(Ceramics) C2022 Coaster
(Ceramics) C2023 Coaster
(Ceramics) C2024 Coaster
(Ceramics) C2025 Coaster
(Ceramics) C2026 Coaster
(Ceramics) C2027 Coaster
(Ceramics) C736 Coffee pot
(Ceramics) C743 Coffee service, pot, jug, sugar bowl and five cups...
(Ceramics) C723 Communion cup
(Ceramics) C679 Cow creamer
(Ceramics) C680 Cow creamer
(Ceramics) C681 Cow creamer
(Ceramics) C683 Cow with milkmaid
(Ceramics) C648 Crab form dish
(Ceramics) C454 Crouching nude female figure
(Ceramics) C653 Cup
(Ceramics) C693 Cup and saucer
(Ceramics) C694 Cup and saucer
(Ceramics) C806 Cup with lizard handle
(Ceramics) C2062 Decorated Plate
(Ceramics) C1149 Dish
(Ceramics) C1459 Dish
(Ceramics) C766 Dish
(Ceramics) C2028 Dish
(Ceramics) C2042 Dish
(Ceramics) C2044 Dish
(Ceramics) C855 Double chambered whistling pot
(Ceramics) C714 Double handled vase
(Ceramics) C850 Double jar
(Ceramics) C851 Double jar
(Ceramics) C770 Double lobed bottle
(Ceramics) C1204 Dowry Pot
(Ceramics) C612 Dutch oven, rotisserie
(Ceramics) C691 Eight saucers
(Ceramics) C700 Eighteen plates with 'Wild Rose' design
(Ceramics) C844 Figure
(Ceramics) C624 Figure group, satyr and goddess
(Ceramics) C443 Figure of a bird
(Ceramics) C752 Figure of a bird, hawk with rabbit
(Ceramics) C626 Figure of a boy with fish and dolphin
(Ceramics) C441 Figure of a cupid
(Ceramics) C625 Figure of a cupid
(Ceramics) C440 Figure of a dog
(Ceramics) C748 Figure of a dragon on a rock
(Ceramics) C509 Figure of a duck
(Ceramics) C685 Figure of a girl reading
(Ceramics) C615 Figure of a lion
(Ceramics) C745 Figure of a man / tailor sewing
(Ceramics) C442 Figure of a young bird
(Ceramics) C684 Figure of a zebra
(Ceramics) C690 Five cups
(Ceramics) C649 Five saucers
(Ceramics) C854 Flask
(Ceramics) C859 Flat dish
(Ceramics) C654 Four cups
(Ceramics) C661 Four cups
(Ceramics) C702 Four oval plates with 'Wild Rose' design
(Ceramics) C2047 Ginger Jar
(Ceramics) C2048 Ginger Jar
(Ceramics) C2049 Ginger Jar
(Ceramics) C829 Globular vase
(Ceramics) C744 Hexagonal stand
(Ceramics) C826 Hexagonal tea bowl
(Ceramics) C834 Hexagonal vase
(Ceramics) C1317 Incense burner
(Ceramics) C719 Ink well / ink pot
(Ceramics) C817 Japanese high-shouldered vase
(Ceramics) C359 Jar
(Ceramics) C2033 Jar
(Ceramics) C2056 Jar
(Ceramics) C2057 Jar
(Ceramics) C751 Joss-stick holder
(Ceramics) C1286 Jug
(Ceramics) C1287 Jug
(Ceramics) C1288 Jug
(Ceramics) C608 Jug
(Ceramics) C611 Jug
(Ceramics) C613 Jug
(Ceramics) C676 Jug
(Ceramics) C677 Jug
(Ceramics) C678 Jug
(Ceramics) C699 Jug
(Ceramics) C2004 Jug
(Ceramics) C2017 Jug
(Ceramics) C2051 Jug
(Ceramics) C818 Large bowl
(Ceramics) C847 Large bowl
(Ceramics) C840 Large bowl with two small handles
(Ceramics) C784 Large circular platter
(Ceramics) C715 Large double handled urn
(Ceramics) C716 Large double handled urn
(Ceramics) C717 Large double handled urn
(Ceramics) C610 Large jug
(Ceramics) C754 Large lidded tureen
(Ceramics) C783 Large rectangular plate
(Ceramics) C1987 Lidded Box
(Ceramics) C2055 Lidded Box
(Ceramics) C1993 Lidded Casserole
(Ceramics) C2030 Lidded Casserole
(Ceramics) C2031 Lidded Casserole
(Ceramics) C757 Lidded funerary jar
(Ceramics) C761 Lidded incense burner
(Ceramics) C1973 Lidded Jar
(Ceramics) C2050 Lidded Jar
(Ceramics) C687 Lidded sugar bowl
(Ceramics) C762 Long-necked vase
(Ceramics) C828 Long-necked vase
(Ceramics) C657 Milk jug
(Ceramics) C688 Milk jug
(Ceramics) C741 Model of Old College, Aberystwyth
(Ceramics) C599 Money box
(Ceramics) C617 Money box
(Ceramics) C2018 Mug
(Ceramics) C2019 Mug
(Ceramics) C842 Narrow-necked bottle
(Ceramics) C831 Narrow-necked vase
(Ceramics) C832 Narrow-necked vase
(Ceramics) C835 Narrow-necked vase
(Ceramics) C598 Oil jar
(Ceramics) C849 Oil lamp
(Ceramics) C738 Oval base
(Ceramics) C742 Oval dish
(Ceramics) C710 Oval plate
(Ceramics) C671 Oval platter
(Ceramics) C374 Pair of Crown Ducal cases
(Ceramics) C602 Pepper pot
(Ceramics) C2065 Plant Pot
(Ceramics) C2066 Plant Pot
(Ceramics) C2067 Plant Pot
(Ceramics) C2072 Plant Pot
(Ceramics) C2073 Plant Pot
(Ceramics) C2069 Planter
(Ceramics) C2070 Planter
(Ceramics) C2071 Planter
(Ceramics) C845 Plaque / Islamic tile
(Ceramics) C846 Plaque / Islamic tile
(Ceramics) C720 Plaque in wide plaster frame
(Ceramics) C1483 Plate
(Ceramics) C361 Plate
(Ceramics) C627 Plate
(Ceramics) C628 Plate
(Ceramics) C629 Plate
(Ceramics) C630 Plate
(Ceramics) C631 Plate
(Ceramics) C632 Plate
(Ceramics) C633 Plate
(Ceramics) C634 Plate
(Ceramics) C635 Plate
(Ceramics) C636 Plate
(Ceramics) C637 Plate
(Ceramics) C638 Plate
(Ceramics) C639 Plate
(Ceramics) C640 Plate
(Ceramics) C641 Plate
(Ceramics) C642 Plate
(Ceramics) C643 Plate
(Ceramics) C644 Plate
(Ceramics) C645 Plate
(Ceramics) C647 Plate
(Ceramics) C709 Plate
(Ceramics) C822 Plate
(Ceramics) C2009 Plate
(Ceramics) C2011 Plate
(Ceramics) C2061 Plate
(Ceramics) C652 Plate, 'Market Day'
(Ceramics) C1205 Pot
(Ceramics) C1206 Pot
(Ceramics) C764 Pot with lions head handles
(Ceramics) C1088 Pot/Jar
(Ceramics) C670 Rectangular platter
(Ceramics) C807 Satsuma bowl
(Ceramics) C808 Satsuma bowl
(Ceramics) C809 Satsuma bowl
(Ceramics) C810 Satsuma bowl
(Ceramics) C811 Satsuma bowl
(Ceramics) C812 Satsuma bowl
(Ceramics) C813 Satsuma bowl
(Ceramics) C814 Satsuma dish
(Ceramics) C815 Satsuma two-handled vase
(Ceramics) C816 Satsuma two-handled vase
(Ceramics) C721 Saucer
(Ceramics) C722 Saucer
(Ceramics) C2010 Saucer
(Ceramics) C1486 Scoop
(Ceramics) C689 Seven tea bowls
(Ceramics) C672 Side plate
(Ceramics) C650 Six cups
(Ceramics) C659 Slop basin
(Ceramics) C696 Small bowl
(Ceramics) C768 Small bowl / dish
(Ceramics) C2054 Small Dish With Handle
(Ceramics) C825 Small fluted bowl
(Ceramics) C371 Small pot with lugs
(Ceramics) C360 Small vase
(Ceramics) C823 Small vase
(Ceramics) C824 Small vase
(Ceramics) C843 Square saki bottle
(Ceramics) C767 Square two-handled vase
(Ceramics) C614 St Jerome and the Lion
(Ceramics) C853 Stirrup cup
(Ceramics) C2080 Storage Pot
(Ceramics) C2081 Storage Pot
(Ceramics) C2082 Storage Pot
(Ceramics) C763 Tea bowl
(Ceramics) C827 Tea bowl
(Ceramics) C695 Tea bowl and saucer
(Ceramics) C753 Tea jar
(Ceramics) C686 Teapot
(Ceramics) C739 Teapot
(Ceramics) C819 Teapot
(Ceramics) C2034 Teapot
(Ceramics) C656 Teapot and stand
(Ceramics) C651 Three cups
(Ceramics) C660 Three cups
(Ceramics) C655 Three saucers
(Ceramics) C703 Three square plates
(Ceramics) C758 Tripod censer
(Ceramics) C759 Tripod censer
(Ceramics) C760 Tripod censer
(Ceramics) C711 Tripod cup
(Ceramics) C682 Two cow creamers
(Ceramics) C697 Two cups
(Ceramics) C669 Two plates
(Ceramics) C692 Two plates
(Ceramics) C701 Two plates with 'Wild Rose' design
(Ceramics) C662 Two saucers
(Ceramics) C839 Two square bottles
(Ceramics) C698 Two tea bowls and saucers
(Ceramics) C704 Two tureens
(Ceramics) C848 Two vases
(Ceramics) C771 Two vases with base
(Ceramics) C718 Two wall sconces
(Ceramics) C769 Two-handled bottle
(Ceramics) C838 Two-handled high-shouldered bottle
(Ceramics) C820 Two-handled round vase
(Ceramics) C658 Two? plates
(Ceramics) C1437 Vase
(Ceramics) C1438 Vase
(Ceramics) C1442 Vase
(Ceramics) C1461 Vase
(Ceramics) C362 Vase
(Ceramics) C363 Vase
(Ceramics) C365 Vase
(Ceramics) C372 Vase
(Ceramics) C373 Vase
(Ceramics) C755 Vase
(Ceramics) C756 Vase
(Ceramics) C772 Vase
(Ceramics) C782 Vase
(Ceramics) C805 Vase
(Ceramics) C860 Vase
(Ceramics) C713 Vase / urn with base
(Ceramics) C836 Vase with rings through lugs
(Ceramics) C852 Vessel with stirrup handle at back
(Ceramics) C781 Wall plaque with figure of a crab
(Ceramics) C609 Wassail bowl cover (ffiolau dolennog)
(Ceramics) C857 Watering pot
(Ceramics) C858 Watering pot
(Decorative) De4 Bowl
(Decorative) De5 Brass lantern in the form of a church
(Decorative) DE33 Brooch
(Decorative) DE6 Candlestick
(Decorative) DE7 Candlestick
(Decorative) DE51 Carving of a harp on a stand
(Decorative) DE49 Dagger
(Decorative) DE53 Encased marble etching
(Decorative) DE20 Figure
(Decorative) DE19 Figure on pedestal
(Decorative) De18 Glass cup
(Decorative) DE26 Head of ring
(Decorative) DE32 Head of ring
(Decorative) DE42 Hollow metal ball with vine leaf attached
(Decorative) DE38 Lacquered seal
(Decorative) DE39 Lacquered seal
(Decorative) DE5 Lantern
(Decorative) DE52 Latch ?
(Decorative) DE1 Miniature suit of armour
(Decorative) DE2 Miniature suit of armour
(Decorative) De44 Ochre opaque glass phial
(Decorative) DE15 Pendant
(Decorative) DE16 Pendant
(Decorative) DE47 Pendant
(Decorative) DE9 Plaque
(Decorative) DE10 Plaque
(Decorative) DE11 Plaque
(Decorative) DE12 Plaque
(Decorative) DE14 Plaque
(Decorative) DE13 Plaque showing a hunter
(Decorative) DE22 Ring
(Decorative) DE23 Ring
(Decorative) DE30 Ring head
(Decorative) DE34 Seal casket ?
(Decorative) DE8 St Roch
(Decorative) DE46 Stamp
(Decorative) De3 Statuette
(Decorative) DE24 Stone
(Decorative) DE31 Stone for ring seal
(Decorative) DE29 Stone of ring
(Decorative) DE28 Stone of ring ?
(Decorative) DE35 Top of a perfume bottle ?
(Decorative) DE40 Two balls and pendants
(Decorative) DE41 Two buckles
(Decorative) DE17 Two figure holder
(European Bronze) BE2 Atlas
(European Bronze) BE13 Bacchus statuette
(European Bronze) BE3 Bird on circular base
(European Bronze) BE3 Bird statue
(European Bronze) BE26 Bound Centaur
(European Bronze) BE7 Boy replica of Roman figure
(European Bronze) BE27 Bust of Diana
(European Bronze) BE5 Bust portrait
(European Bronze) BE18 Cain and Abel
(European Bronze) BE34 Centaur
(European Bronze) BE14 Centaur Chiron
(European Bronze) BE17 Centaur Eurytion abducting the bride of Hippodamei...
(European Bronze) BE32 Cupid running
(European Bronze) BE4 Figure head
(European Bronze) BE8 Figure of Pan with a double flutes
(European Bronze) BE31 Figure of Prince
(European Bronze) BE30 Male naked figure
(European Bronze) BE25 Mercury
(European Bronze) BE12 Mercury statuette
(European Bronze) BE22 Mercury statuette
(European Bronze) BE24 Naked man holding a container
(European Bronze) BE35 Naked rider on horseback
(European Bronze) BE40 Plaque showing the last supper
(European Bronze) BE6 Satan statuette
(European Bronze) BE33 Saturn eating his son
(European Bronze) BE19 Satyresse
(European Bronze) BE23 Silenus, nymph and satyr
(European Bronze) BE41 Triptych
(Functional Metal) FM12 10 Fish Forks and 10 Fish Knives
(Functional Metal) FM13 4 nutcrackers
(Functional Metal) FM103 Axe head
(Functional Metal) FM135 Barrel
(Functional Metal) FM146 Bell
(Functional Metal) FM141 Block
(Functional Metal) Fm100 Boot scraper ?
(Functional Metal) FM8 Bowl and lid
(Functional Metal) FM47 Box
(Functional Metal) FM99 Box
(Functional Metal) DE37 Broken pieces of black lacquer
(Functional Metal) FM144 Bullet
(Functional Metal) FM16 Cake tongs
(Functional Metal) FM85 Candle snuffer
(Functional Metal) FM86 Candle snuffer
(Functional Metal) FM87 Candle snuffer
(Functional Metal) FM89 Candle snuffer
(Functional Metal) FM70 Candle stick
(Functional Metal) FM113 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM 114 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM115 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM116 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM117 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM118 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM119 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM121 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM122 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM124 Candlestick
(Functional Metal) FM23 Carving Fork
(Functional Metal) FM24 Carving Fork
(Functional Metal) FM17 Carving Knife
(Functional Metal) FM18 Carving Knife
(Functional Metal) DE21 Casket
(Functional Metal) FM133 Circle
(Functional Metal) FM140 Circle
(Functional Metal) FM27 Coffee Pot
(Functional Metal) FM30 Dish with lid
(Functional Metal) Fm95 Double bowled chalice
(Functional Metal) FM126 Egg lifter
(Functional Metal) FM20 Fish Knife
(Functional Metal) FM32 Fork
(Functional Metal) FM56 Fork
(Functional Metal) FM44 Four apostle spoons
(Functional Metal) FM31 Four spoons
(Functional Metal) FM61 Glass pot
(Functional Metal) FM138 Gouge/punch
(Functional Metal) FM63 Hammer
(Functional Metal) FM64 Hammer
(Functional Metal) FM76 Horse's bit
(Functional Metal) FM46 How water pot
(Functional Metal) FM4 Knife
(Functional Metal) FM21 Knife Sharpener
(Functional Metal) FM134 Knob
(Functional Metal) FM1 Ladle incorporating a medal or coin
(Functional Metal) FM2 Ladle incorporating medal or coin
(Functional Metal) FM3 Ladle incorporating medal or coin
(Functional Metal) FM143 Lamp
(Functional Metal) Mug
(Functional Metal) FM80 Nutcracker
(Functional Metal) FM81 Nutcracker
(Functional Metal) FM82 Nutcracker
(Functional Metal) FM83 Nutcracker
(Functional Metal) FM84 Nutcracker
(Functional Metal) FM136 Nutcracker ?
(Functional Metal) Oil lamp
(Functional Metal) DE48 Owl's head ornament
(Functional Metal) Fm92 Pair of candlesticks
(Functional Metal) FM120 Pair of candlesticks
(Functional Metal) FM123 Pair of candlesticks
(Functional Metal) FM38 Pair of pepper pot birds
(Functional Metal) FM111 Pair of shoe buckles
(Functional Metal) FM102 Pair of sugar cutters
(Functional Metal) FM139 Part of an oil lamp
(Functional Metal) FM72 Plaque
(Functional Metal) FM74 Plaque
(Functional Metal) FM79 Poker
(Functional Metal) FM90 Pot
(Functional Metal) BE20 Putto on a tripod bacchanial base
(Functional Metal) FM59 Ring
(Functional Metal) FM14 Salad Spoons
(Functional Metal) FM104 Scales
(Functional Metal) FM55 Scissors
(Functional Metal) FM5 Serving spoon
(Functional Metal) FM39 Silver tube
(Functional Metal) FM41 Six table spoons
(Functional Metal) FM53 Spoon
(Functional Metal) FM62 Spoon
(Functional Metal) FM101 Spoon
(Functional Metal) FM128 Spoon
(Functional Metal) FM129 Spoon
(Functional Metal) FM130 Spoon
(Functional Metal) FM131 Spoon
(Functional Metal) FM9 Stand
(Functional Metal) FM10 Stand
(Functional Metal) FM132 Stand
(Functional Metal) FM78 Steel-yard scales with pan
(Functional Metal) DE27 Stone of ring ?
(Functional Metal) FM125 Stoned ruffle iron
(Functional Metal) FM91 Sugar cutter on stand
(Functional Metal) FM73 Tallow dip mould
(Functional Metal) FM51 Tankard
(Functional Metal) Telegraph cable
(Functional Metal) FM40 Ten forks
(Functional Metal) FM37 Three fruit stoners
(Functional Metal) FM75 Toasting fork
(Functional Metal) FM94 Tobacco cutter ?
(Functional Metal) FM19 Tongs
(Functional Metal) FM25 Tray
(Functional Metal) FM26 Tray
(Functional Metal) FM49 Tray
(Functional Metal) FM50 Tray
(Functional Metal) FM11 Tray with lid on stand with heater
(Functional Metal) FM96 Tripod
(Functional Metal) FM52 Trowel
(Functional Metal) FM65 Trowel
(Functional Metal) FM66 Trowel
(Functional Metal) FM68 Trowel
(Functional Metal) FM69 Trowel
(Functional Metal) FM45 Two cups and saucers
(Functional Metal) FM43 Two forks
(Functional Metal) FM48 Wine cooler
(FunctionalMetal) Fw1 Butter Printer, Pineapple design
(FunctionalMetal) Fm 71 Dish
(FunctionalMetal) Fm146 Engraved brass bell
(FunctionalMetal) FV25 Small celluloid box
(Glass) G12 Bottle
(Glass) G4 Flask
(Glass) G6 Flask
(Glass) G9 Flask
(Glass) G2 Gimmel flask
(Glass) G3 Gimmel flask
(Glass) G11 Jug
(Glass) G10 Pipe
(Glass) G7 Rolling pin
(Glass) G5 Vase
(Glass) G46 Wine glass on long stem
(Oil Paintings) OP11 A man on horseback in a landscape
(Oil Paintings) OP13 Classical landscape, miniature
(Oil Paintings) OP15 Erbistock Church
(Oil Paintings) OP6 Evan Evans, Glan Geirionydd
(Oil Paintings) OP10 Gretchen in Church
(Oil Paintings) OP5 Ignatius Loyola
(Oil Paintings) OP7 Mary Owen (née Jones)
(Oil Paintings) OP16 Miniature portrait of a woman
(Oil Paintings) OP18 Miniature portrait of an old man smoking a pipe
(Oil Paintings) OP17 Miniature portrait of Colonel Powell aged 21
(Oil Paintings) OP12 Pastoral landscape with cattle at a ford
(Oil Paintings) OP9 Portrait of a bald bearded man (monk)
(Oil Paintings) OP8 Portrait of a bearded man (monk)
(Oil Paintings) OP160 Portrait of a Judge
(Oil Paintings) OP123 Public house sign, William Pritchard, Llanrwst
(Oil Paintings) OP3 The Last Supper
(Oriental) OM30 'Nandin' figure, bull deity
(Oriental) OM58 Beaker
(Oriental) OM59 Beaker
(Oriental) OC12 Bearded figure
(Oriental) OC13 Beast Netsuke
(Oriental) OM61 Bowl
(Oriental) OM65 Bowl
(Oriental) OC15 Bowl
(Oriental) OV2 Bowl
(Oriental) OV3 Bowl
(Oriental) OV1 Box
(Oriental) OV4 Box
(Oriental) OM62 Brass
(Oriental) OC2 Buddha
(Oriental) OM34 Candlestick
(Oriental) OC5 Carved Dragon
(Oriental) OC6 Carved male and child
(Oriental) OM43 Casket
(Oriental) OM54 Casket
(Oriental) OM35 Caskett
(Oriental) OV5 Container
(Oriental) OM28 Crab
(Oriental) OM29 Crab
(Oriental) OM49 Dish
(Oriental) OM26 Dog-tortoise
(Oriental) OM31 Dragon
(Oriental) OM13 Dragon incense burner
(Oriental) OM64 Ewer
(Oriental) OM44 Fan-shaped tray
(Oriental) OC9 Figure Netsuke
(Oriental) OC10 Figure Netzuke
(Oriental) OC26 Figure of beast
(Oriental) OC22 Figure of man and toad
(Oriental) OC25 Figure of robed woman
(Oriental) OM11 Figure of Ushnishavijaya
(Oriental) OC7 Figure on deer carved (a pair)
(Oriental) OC36 Figure on pedestal
(Oriental) OC7 Figure riding on a deer
(Oriental) OM33 Ganesha
(Oriental) OC3 Gilt wooden buddha kneeling in meditation
(Oriental) OM60 Groove, turned brass vase
(Oriental) OM4 Hindu god/deity
(Oriental) OM33 Holder
(Oriental) OC35 Horn
(Oriental) OM24 Incense burner
(Oriental) OM25 Incense burner Lao-tzu
(Oriental) OC37 Japanese carved tusk container
(Oriental) OV2 Lacquered Bamboo bowl
(Oriental) OM57 Lidded two handles cup on base
(Oriental) OM38 Long square sectioned vase
(Oriental) OC29 Model of tomb of emperor of china
(Oriental) OC8 Mounted Figure
(Oriental) OC27 Mounted figure on horse
(Oriental) OC11 Netsuke
(Oriental) OC469 Numerous armed, cross legged, robed, figure in me...
(Oriental) OC16 Octagonal plaque
(Oriental) OM46 Oval dish
(Oriental) OM50 Oval dish
(Oriental) OM51 Oval dish
(Oriental) OM52 Oval dish
(Oriental) OM53 Oval dish
(Oriental) OC33 Plaque
(Oriental) OC34 Plaque - Krishna playing on a flute
(Oriental) OC31 Plaque of Ganesh
(Oriental) OC32 Plaque of Hanuman
(Oriental) OC28 Plaque with dragon and flower design
(Oriental) OM45 Round dish
(Oriental) OC14 Seated figure Netsuke
(Oriental) OC24 Seated robed figure
(Oriental) OM47 Square dish
(Oriental) OM32 Stand/Holder
(Oriental) OC1 Statue of Buddha
(Oriental) OM4 Statuette
(Oriental) OM16 Statuette
(Oriental) OM7 Statuette of Deity
(Oriental) OM8 Statuette of Deity
(Oriental) OM9 Statuette of Deity
(Oriental) OM6 Statuette of Deity Jambhala?
(Oriental) OM2 Statuette of Durga?
(Oriental) OM5 Statuette of Vishnu and Lakshmi
(Oriental) OM12 Statuette on stand
(Oriental) OM22 Statuette on stand
(Oriental) OM11 Statuette
(Oriental) OM18 Statuette
(Oriental) OM17 Statuette
(Oriental) OM39 Statuette
(Oriental) OM14 Statuette
(Oriental) OM15 Statuette
(Oriental) OM10 Statuette
(Oriental) OM13 Statuette
(Oriental) OM19 Statuette
(Oriental) OM40 Statuette
(Oriental) OM20 Statuette
(Oriental) OM21 Two figures on stand
(Oriental) OM36 Vase
(Oriental) OM37 Vase
(Oriental) OM41 Vase
(Oriental) OM55 Vase
(Oriental) OM56 Vase
(Oriental) OM30 'Nandin'
(Photography) PH1462 A Schoolroom at Eton
(Photography) PH21 Algeria
(Photography) PH25 Algerian Natives [or Mauresque D'Algeria]
(Photography) PH24 Algerian Native
(Photography) PH22 Algerian Natives
(Photography) PH23 Algeria
(Photography) PH20 Algeria
(Photography) PH18 Algeria
(Photography) PH16 Algeria
(Photography) PH17 Algiers
(Photography) PH599 Arms of a woman
(Photography) PH50 Assouan, Nile
(Photography) PH527 Bacco e Ampelo
(Photography) PH58 Barbers shop, Cairo
(Photography) PH6 Bullfight
(Photography) PH8 Bullfight
(Photography) PH1463 Canterbury Cathedral - The Nave
(Photography) PH1464 Canterbury Cathedral - The West Towers
(Photography) PH26 Chef Arabia
(Photography) PH48 Cleopatre a Denderah
(Photography) PH1028 David Lewis 1840-1900, My Grandfather
(Photography) PH39 Edfou Sanctuary
(Photography) PH57 Egyptian Water Carrier
(Photography) PH52 Egyptian water carrier
(Photography) PH1436 Eight film still photographs featuring actors and ...
(Photography) PH1429 Eight film still photographs featuring actors, ani...
(Photography) PH1432 Five film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1433 Five film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1435 Five film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1440 Five film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1442 Five film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1439 Four film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1445 Four film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1446 Four film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH4 Gibraltar
(Photography) PH5 Gibraltar
(Photography) PH1461 Group of Eton Scholars
(Photography) PH1029 Hannah Lewis, nee Bowen 1848-1889, My Grandmother
(Photography) PH15 Hotel St. George, Mustapha, Algiers
(Photography) PH2 Hyères - Boulevard des Palmiers
(Photography) PH3 Hyères - Hôtel de L'Hermitage, Coste-Delle
(Photography) PH1 Hyères
(Photography) PH11 La ville et le rochers
(Photography) PH59 Lake of Geneva
(Photography) PH29 Lotus Columns, Karnak, Nile 26
(Photography) PH35 Luxor Hotel
(Photography) PH32 Luxor, pigeon houses
(Photography) PH33 Luxor
(Photography) PH10 Monte Carlo
(Photography) PH600 Monumento Eretto nel Campo Santa di Roma a Tommaso...
(Photography) PH14 Napoli da S. Martino
(Photography) PH12 Nice, Promenade des Anglais
(Photography) PH13 Nice, Rue Prise de L'Escalier Lesage
(Photography) PH1430 Nine film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1431 Nine film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1443 Nine film still photographs featuring actors and s...
(Photography) PH1428 Nine film still photographs featuring animals and ...
(Photography) PH1465 Penrhyn Castle, near Bangor
(Photography) PH537 Postcard of Roman ruins, Forum, Rome
(Photography) PH41 Ramsese II 19th dynasty
(Photography) PH37 Schadouf
(Photography) PH40 Seti 19th Dynasty
(Photography) PH1434 Seven film still photographs featuring actors and ...
(Photography) PH1441 Seven film still photographs featuring actors and ...
(Photography) PH1447 Seven film still photographs featuring actors and ...
(Photography) PH1427 Six film still photographs featuring actors and se...
(Photography) PH1437 Six film still photographs featuring actors and se...
(Photography) PH1438 Six film still photographs featuring actors and se...
(Photography) PH1444 Six film still photographs featuring actors and se...
(Photography) PH544 Souvenir card, Arch of Constantine, Rome
(Photography) PH545 Souvenir card, Arch of Peace, Milan
(Photography) PH529 Souvenir card, Arch of the Goldsmiths, Rome
(Photography) PH546 Souvenir card, Colosseum, Rome
(Photography) PH540 Souvenir card, gateway and obelisk, Piazza Popolo,...
(Photography) PH536 Souvenir card, La Scala Santa (holy staircase), Ro...
(Photography) PH541 Souvenir card, obelisk and church, Piazza Navona, ...
(Photography) PH528 Souvenir card, Roman ruin, the Arch of Janus, Rome
(Photography) PH532 Souvenir card, Roman ruin, the Temple of Antoninus...
(Photography) PH547 Souvenir card, Roman ruins, Baths of Caracalla
(Photography) PH539 Souvenir card, Roman ruins, the Temple of Castor a...
(Photography) PH531 Souvenir card, sculpture of Venus de Medici, Flore...
(Photography) PH534 Souvenir card, sculpture of Venus in a museum
(Photography) PH533 Souvenir card, sculpture of Venus of the Capitol, ...
(Photography) PH538 Souvenir card, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, R...
(Photography) PH542 Souvenir card, the Cathedral of St John Lateran, R...
(Photography) PH535 Souvenir card, townscape, a view over Rome
(Photography) PH543 Souvenir card, Trevi Fountain and the Palazzo Poli...
(Photography) PH36 Sphinx et Pyramide
(Photography) PH1467 St George's Chapel, Windsor
(Photography) PH1468 St Michael's College, Tenbury
(Photography) PH42 Statue de Meidoum, Princesse Nefert
(Photography) PH530 Steps to Ara Coeli, Temple of Jupiter, Rome
(Photography) PH19 Street Scene, Algiers
(Photography) PH7 Taking the dead bull away
(Photography) PH30 Temple Abusamboul
(Photography) PH9 The Forum, Pompeii
(Photography) PH38 Water Wheel - Nile
(Prints) PR11 Lord Chief Justice Lloyd Kenyon, 1st Baron Kenyon...
(Prints) PR4219 1953 re-release poster for 'Mighty Joe Young'
(Prints) PR1676 A View of the Ruins of Palmyra alias Tadmor taken ...
(Prints) PR380 A woman and a child hold a piece of cloth (a tribu...
(Prints) PR233 Aberystwith Castle and Church
(Prints) PR3158 Alexander Nowell (from Encyclopedia Londinensis)
(Prints) PR4974 Alexandre Dumas
(Prints) PR4957 Alfonce et Urraque
(Prints) PR4956 Alfonse II Surnome Le Chaste
(Prints) PR4958 Alfonse VIII et IX
(Prints) PR4953 Alfonse X Surnome Le Sage
(Prints) PR4955 Alfonse XI Dit Le Juste
(Prints) PR346 An angel, holding a key, surrounded by two dogs an...
(Prints) PR4954 Ataulfe
(Prints) PR59 Barn
(Prints) PR73 Book illustration, procession with a carriage, sol...
(Prints) PR86 Botanical illustration
(Prints) PR4924 Bourbon
(Prints) PR4952 Championnet
(Prints) PR4987 Charles X King of France
(Prints) PR3152 Claudio Ridolfi
(Prints) PR49 Counant Mawr, Llanberris, North Wales
(Prints) PR3151 Emilio Tartuffi
(Prints) PR1668 Entrance to Ludlow Castle
(Prints) PR1669 Entrance to Ludlow Castle
(Prints) PR1670 Entrance to Ludlow Castle
(Prints) PR4930 Fabre D'Eglantine
(Prints) PR4913 Gaspar III Comte de Coligny
(Prints) PR4914 Gaspard Conte de Colligny de Chastillon Mareschal ...
(Prints) PR5012 Gaspard de Coligny, Amiral de France
(Prints) PR30 Harlequin
(Prints) PR255 Head of a child with curly hair
(Prints) PR66 Head of a girl
(Prints) PR5005 Henri Poincaré
(Prints) PR56 House
(Prints) PR58 House with smoke
(Prints) PR3154 Isaac Pennington, The Fractious Lord Mayor of Lond...
(Prints) PR4925 Isabel Queen of France
(Prints) PR4915 Jacques de Molay, Grand Maîtres des Templiers
(Prints) PR1538 Japanese woman seated in a room
(Prints) PR3155 Jean Comte de Nassau Catzenelenboghe ...
(Prints) PR3159 Jeremy Taylor
(Prints) PR335 Joseph Parry
(Prints) PR1440 Jotunheimen, Spiterstulen [Chalets on Mountainside...
(Prints) PR337 Lady Hamilton and the Departure of Nelson (Sweet P...
(Prints) PR284 Lakeside landscape with a large country house, a t...
(Prints) PR282 Landscape featuring a boat, a lake, a thatched cot...
(Prints) PR2943 Landscape with River and Bridge, night time
(Prints) PR2942 Landscape, night time
(Prints) PR3157 Last Sitting of the Old Court of Session 11 July 1...
(Prints) PR4959 Le Duc D'Orleans
(Prints) PR4949 Le Duc De Berry
(Prints) PR4948 Le Duc de Bourgogne
(Prints) PR50 Llyn-gwynant, near Beddgelert
(Prints) PR5078 Loggers (proof vignette for banknote)
(Prints) PR4985 Louis 18th
(Prints) PR4964 Louis the XVI and Queen
(Prints) PR4960 Louis XIIII
(Prints) PR1662 Ludlow Castle from Whitcliff Walk
(Prints) PR307 L'Hospice sur le grand St. Bernard
(Prints) PR4910 M. Léon Gambetta, Prime Minister of the French Re...
(Prints) PR4922 M.Alphand, Director of Public Works, and of the 18...
(Prints) PR4918 Massena
(Prints) PR4911 Messire Gabriel de Laubespine
(Prints) PR4912 Messire Guillaume de Laubespine
(Prints) PR4905 Milon, Role de Wilfrid (La main droite et la main ...
(Prints) PR4951 Napoleon
(Prints) PR4989 Napoleon III, Emperor of the French
(Prints) PR1666 Norman Chapel, Ludlow Castle
(Prints) PR1667 Norman Chapel, Ludlow Castle
(Prints) PR1663 North View of Ludlow Castle
(Prints) PR336 One man in his time plays many parts!
(Prints) PR4906 P.J. de Béranger
(Prints) PR5000 Perlet
(Prints) PR4975 Philippe du Plessis Mornay, Gouverneur de Saumur
(Prints) PR5013 Philippes Auguste
(Prints) PR283 Picturesque scene with a thatched house, trees, a ...
(Prints) PR4923 Portrait De Bailly - Extrait de l'An 1789.
(Prints) PR2480 Portrait of a man
(Prints) PR4336 Portrait of a Man
(Prints) PR72 Portrait of Dr Leonhart Fuchs
(Prints) PR4935 Portrait of Jacques De Molay
(Prints) PR308 Remains of a Priory in Wales
(Prints) PR217 Rev. Thomas Charles Edwards, M.A.[Lond. & Oxon], D...
(Prints) PR3156 Ricard Chenevix, Bishop of Waterford
(Prints) PR285 Rural scene with a thatched house, trees, a wagon ...
(Prints) PR256 Seated woman with an outstretched arm and a male f...
(Prints) PR3153 Sir William Staines, Late Worthy Lord Mayor of the...
(Prints) PR57 Store or warehouse
(Prints) PR31 Swordsman
(Prints) PR4994 The Duke D'Enghien / Execution of the Duke d'Enghi...
(Prints) PR232 The Falls of the Swallow, near Bettws y Coed
(Prints) PR319 The First Plate of the Woollen Manufacture exhibit...
(Prints) PR1661 The Keep, Ludlow Castle
(Prints) PR4921 The Late Gustave Dore
(Prints) PR5011 The Late M. Thiers
(Prints) PR3160 The Rev. Samuel Parr, Curate of Hatton, Prebend of...
(Prints) PR320 The Second Plate of the Woollen Manufacture exhibi...
(Prints) PR306 The Three Horseshoes near Kensington Gravel Pits
(Prints) PR231 The Tubular & Menai Suspension Bridges near Bangor
(Prints) PR4934 Thomas Morus
(Prints) PR273 Three canal / river scenes, illustrations from a d...
(Prints) PR277 Three illustrations from a drawing book featuring ...
(Prints) PR276 Three illustrations of horses from a drawing book
(Prints) PR271 Three illustrations of large country houses / vill...
(Prints) PR1539 Three Japanese women seated in a room
(Prints) PR272 Three townscapes, illustrations from a drawing boo...
(Prints) PR9 Three witches dancing
(Prints) PR268 Two illustrations from a drawing book featuring a ...
(Prints) PR270 Two illustrations from a drawing book featuring a ...
(Prints) PR267 Two illustrations from a drawing book featuring a ...
(Prints) PR269 Two illustrations from a drawing book featuring a ...
(Prints) PR266 Two illustrations from a drawing book featuring a ...
(Prints) PR275 Two illustrations from a drawing book featuring bu...
(Prints) PR274 Two illustrations from a drawing book featuring th...
(Prints) PR3978 Woman carrying a child, another child makes a snow...
(Prints) PR74 Woman is presented to king and bishop by a soldier...
(Prints) PR4130 _Comment. In le désoles comme ça parcequie ton A...
(Prints1860s) PL5063 1. Initial letter 'E' of a woman looking through a...
(Prints1860s) PL5057 1. Initial letter 'O' of two children in a church ...
(Prints1860s) PL5056 1. Initial letter 'W' of a child buying meat at a ...
(Prints1860s) PL4964 A Clue Found in a Jeweller's Shop
(Prints1860s) PL5008 A Lecture from Aunt Abigail
(Prints1860s) PL4986 A Letter Not Meant for Barry
(Prints1860s) PL5003 A Message for Mark Fletcher
(Prints1860s) PL4977 A Note from Emmet Taffilet
(Prints1860s) PL4958 A Stranger in Search of Information
(Prints1860s) PL4958 A Stranger in Search of Information
(Prints1860s) PL5026 A woman, head-carrying a wooden pail, walking thro...
(Prints1860s) PL4981 Alan Stapylton Discovers a New Arrival
(Prints1860s) PL5060 Albrecht Dürer portrait
(Prints1860s) PL4959 Aunt Abigail's Lesson in Genealogy
(Prints1860s) PL4998 Bad News for Manchester
(Prints1860s) PL4983 Barry and Clough get a Peep at the Prison Yard
(Prints1860s) PL4991 Barry and her Father at Heath House
(Prints1860s) PL4988 Barry Lloyd and Cousin Mark
(Prints1860s) PL5006 Barry's Appeal to the Old Miser
(Prints1860s) PL4993 Burning the Miser's Last Will
(Prints1860s) PL5014 Captain S- of the Indian Camel Corps
(Prints1860s) PL5001 Christopher Lloyd in Trouble
(Prints1860s) PL5029 Crossing the St. Gotthard in Winter
(Prints1860s) PL4982 David Lloyd's Old House
(Prints1860s) PL4976 Emmet Taffilet and Mary Trafford
(Prints1860s) PL4969 Farmer Robinson Brought Back to the Royal Oak
(Prints1860s) PL5018 Flower Man
(Prints1860s) PL4961 Gregory is Ordered to Keep out of Sight
(Prints1860s) PL4968 Gregory Stops the Bell-Ringers
(Prints1860s) PL4971 Gregory's Supper at the Royal Oak
(Prints1860s) PL4967 Happier Days for Michael as well as Gregory
(Prints1860s) PL4985 In Court
(Prints1860s) PL4960 In Search of the Picturesque
(Prints1860s) PL4962 In Search of the Register
(Prints1860s) PL5005 In the Broker's Best Parlour
(Prints1860s) PL4963 In the Peacock Chamber
(Prints1860s) PL5038 Initial letter 'W' of Punch holding a candle
(Prints1860s) PL4980 Inside Bairons Dassett
(Prints1860s) PL5011 Inside the Holy Sepulchre
(Prints1860s) PL5033 Magdalen College, Oxford
(Prints1860s) PL5012 Male figure sat on a chair with crossed legs and l...
(Prints1860s) PL5055 Man in a fez, cradled in a branch, blowing a cloud...
(Prints1860s) PL4990 Mark Fletcher and Richard Crichton at Mr. Christop...
(Prints1860s) PL4987 Mark's Solitary Visit to Capel Coed
(Prints1860s) PL4972 Michael Presgrave and Gregory Stopped by a Gipsy F...
(Prints1860s) PL4995 Miss Barry
(Prints1860s) PL4966 Miss Taffilet Sees Things in a Different Light Now
(Prints1860s) PL4979 Mr. Banaster in Pursuit of Science
(Prints1860s) PL5004 Mr. Evan Evans Meets his Match in Nanny
(Prints1860s) PL4965 Mr. Presgrave Destroys the Deed of Gift
(Prints1860s) PL4978 Mrs. Cramp at the Royal Oak
(Prints1860s) PL4989 Mrs. Crichton's First Visit to Barry and Mab
(Prints1860s) PL4999 Nanny Introduces Mr. Clough to her Friend the Mole...
(Prints1860s) PL4992 Nanny's Retinue in Manchester
(Prints1860s) PL5021 Nasser-Ed-Din, Shah of Persia
(Prints1860s) PL5030 Neanderthal man tracing footprints on the shore wi...
(Prints1860s) PL4970 Not Much in Mr. Keriol's Line
(Prints1860s) PL5031 Nubian Musician
(Prints1860s) PL4974 Old Gregory at the Forge
(Prints1860s) PL5002 Outside the Prison
(Prints1860s) PL5016 Persian Mollah or Priest
(Prints1860s) PL5019 Persian monarch kneeling by waterside with peacock...
(Prints1860s) PL5034 Presentation to Queen Elizabeth
(Prints1860s) PL12 The Bohemian's Protege
(Prints1860s) PL10 The Four Georges
(Prints1860s) PL4973 The Gipsy Again
(Prints1860s) PL4975 The Gipsy Encampment
(Prints1860s) PL5024 The New Forest from Bamble Hill
(Prints1860s) PL4984 The Prison Van
(Prints1860s) PL5036 The Return of the Swallows
(Prints1860s) PL4994 The Ruling Passion
(Prints1860s) PL5000 The Soup-Kitchen
(Prints1860s) PL5020 The Talipat Palm
(Prints1860s) PL11 The Unkind Word
(Prints1860s) PL5023 Three figures, one blowing a horn, riding horses i...
(Prints1860s) PL5017 Tobacco Cutting
(Prints1860s) PL4997 Too Hospitable by Half!
(Prints1860s) PL4996 Unusual Visitors at the Court
(Prints1860s) PL5015 Water-Carrier
(Prints1860s) PL5028 Yukon River: Breaking up of the Ice in Spring
(Sculpture) S59 Full length model for Henry Richard statue, Tregar...
(Sculpture) SO3An02 Head
(Sculpture) S3 Henry Austin, Baron Aberdare
(Sculpture) S1 Henry Richard
(Sculpture) S57 John Bunyan
(Sculpture) S58 Lord Aberdare
(Sculpture) S5 Major General Colby
(Sculpture) S12 Roman emperor
(Sculpture) S39 Satyr
(Sculpture) S2 Thomas Charles Edwards
(Sculpture) S9 Thomas Edward Ellis MP
(Textiles) T10 Daisy
(Textiles) T20 Embroidered picture of a warrior
(Textiles) T16 Wallpaper
(Textiles) T17 Willow Bough
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD35 A New Year Thought
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD36 A New Year Thought
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD19 Alpine scene with chalet
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1108 Animation sketch for Mr Bug Goes To Town, the char...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1109 Animation sketch for Mr Bug Goes To Town, the char...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1106 Animation sketch for Mr Bug Goes To Town, the char...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1107 Animation sketch for Mr Bug Goes To Town, the char...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1072 Armorial Bearings of The University College of Wal...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD368 Assumption of the Virgin
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD14 Benton Castle, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD6 Borth, near Aberystwith
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD18 Classical landscape with castle and goats
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD24 Classical landscape with figures
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD13 Coastal landscape, Italy?
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD3 Coastal landscape
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1099 Concept drawing for an African stage show at the ...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1102 Concept drawing of a burning mansion for Mighty Jo...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1100 Concept drawing of a stage show for Mighty Joe You...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1098 Four storyboard drawings describing the capture an...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD476 Grant us the Will
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1124 Gwylliaid Cochion Mawddwy
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD15 Harbour scene
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD22 Head and shoulders study of an angel
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD4 Italianate scene of a castle and boats
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD5 Italianate scene with boats and ruins
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1055 Lady Caroline's House, Aberystwyth
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1 Landscape featuring trees, a track and a figure at...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD470 Landscape sketch with castle and bridge
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD20 Landscape with trees, cottages and figures
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD12 Landscape, sketch of trees
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD338 Letter(?)/biography of Minardi
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD25 Miniature portrait of a man
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD26 Miniature portrait of a man
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD27 Miniature portrait of a man in armour
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD2 Nant Bwa Drain, Cwm Rheidol
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD31 Picturesque landscape of the Wye Valley and Tinter...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD30 Portrait of 'Iolo Morganwg'/ Edward Williams
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD23 Portrait of a young woman
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD29 Portrait of Cem Sultan (1459-95), youngest son of ...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD28 Portrait of Favart
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD17 Rocky prominence with satyrs
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD21 Seven profile studies of a neo-classical head
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1101 Sketch of a large gorilla collaged together with a...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1103 Sketch of a man rescuing a child from a burning bu...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD16 Study of a bearded herm with cherubs
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD10 Study of an exhumed corpse
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD7 Study of an exhumed corpse
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD8 Study of an exhumed corpse
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD9 Study of an exhumed corpse and corpse
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD11 Study of clouds
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD1097 Two drawings of a girl with puppet and young goril...
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD32 We, Women of Wales
(WaterColourOrDrawings) WD33 We, Women of Wales
(Weapons) WE23 axe
(Weapons) WE24 axe
(Weapons) WE25 blade
(Weapons) WE26 blade
(Weapons) WE11 dagger
(Weapons) WE12 dagger
(Weapons) WE13 dagger
(Weapons) WE14 dagger
(Weapons) WE4 dagger
(Weapons) WE9 Ghurkha? Curved sword
(Weapons) WE15 knife
(Weapons) WE16 Knife
(Weapons) WE1 sabre
(Weapons) WE5 sabre
(Weapons) WE22 spear
(Weapons) WE2 Sword
(Weapons) WE21 sword
(Weapons) WE27 sword
(Weapons) WE3 sword
(Weapons) WE6 sword
(Weapons) WE7 sword
(Weapons) WE8 sword
(Worldcraft) WF118 (Empty)
(Worldcraft) WF19 abacus
(Worldcraft) WF59 adze
(Worldcraft) WF79 adze
(Worldcraft) WF80 adze
(Worldcraft) WF116 arrow
(Worldcraft) WF69 axe
(Worldcraft) WF14 boomerang
(Worldcraft) WF41 boomerang
(Worldcraft) WF55 boomerang
(Worldcraft) WF56 boomerang
(Worldcraft) WF62 boomerang
(Worldcraft) WF82 bow
(Worldcraft) WF97 bow
(Worldcraft) WF138 bowl
(Worldcraft) WF142 bracelet
(Worldcraft) WF146 bracelet
(Worldcraft) WF148 bracelet
(Worldcraft) WF101 carving
(Worldcraft) WF9 carving
(Worldcraft) WF24 club
(Worldcraft) WF39 club
(Worldcraft) WF47 club
(Worldcraft) WF50 club
(Worldcraft) WF64 club
(Worldcraft) WF65 club
(Worldcraft) WF67 club
(Worldcraft) WF68 club
(Worldcraft) WF74 club
(Worldcraft) WF93 club
(Worldcraft) WF52 club stick
(Worldcraft) WF53 club stick
(Worldcraft) WF60 club stick
(Worldcraft) WF61 club stick
(Worldcraft) WF75 club stick
(Worldcraft) WF5 comb
(Worldcraft) WF6 comb
(Worldcraft) WF1 dish
(Worldcraft) WF63 duck
(Worldcraft) WF10 headrest
(Worldcraft) WF37 headrest
(Worldcraft) WF38 headrest
(Worldcraft) WF21 horn
(Worldcraft) WF22 horn
(Worldcraft) WF23 horn
(Worldcraft) WF117 implement
(Worldcraft) WF104 javelin
(Worldcraft) WF86 javelin
(Worldcraft) WF42 knife
(Worldcraft) WF107 mask
(Worldcraft) WF44 mask
(Worldcraft) WF134 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF135 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF136 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF137 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF15 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF32 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF33 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF34 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF35 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF76 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF81 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF99 musical instrument
(Worldcraft) WF100 paddle
(Worldcraft) WF48 paddle
(Worldcraft) WF83 paddle
(Worldcraft) WF66 paddle spear
(Worldcraft) WF103 pipe
(Worldcraft) WF36 pipe
(Worldcraft) WF18 scoop
(Worldcraft) WF133 shield
(Worldcraft) Wf105 spear
(Worldcraft) WF106 spear
(Worldcraft) WF108 spear
(Worldcraft) WF110 spear
(Worldcraft) WF113 spear
(Worldcraft) WF122 spear
(Worldcraft) WF123 spear
(Worldcraft) WF124 spear
(Worldcraft) WF125 spear
(Worldcraft) WF126 spear
(Worldcraft) WF127 spear
(Worldcraft) WF128 spear
(Worldcraft) WF129 spear
(Worldcraft) WF130 spear
(Worldcraft) WF131 spear
(Worldcraft) WF49 spear
(Worldcraft) WF84 spear
(Worldcraft) WF85 spear
(Worldcraft) WF87 spear
(Worldcraft) WF88 spear
(Worldcraft) WF89 spear
(Worldcraft) WF91 spear
(Worldcraft) WF92 spear
(Worldcraft) WF94 spear
(Worldcraft) WF95 spear
(Worldcraft) WF96 spear
(Worldcraft) WF98 spear
(Worldcraft) WF109 spear arrow
(Worldcraft) WF111 spear arrow
(Worldcraft) WF112 spear arrow
(Worldcraft) WF114 spear arrow
(Worldcraft) WF115 spear arrow
(Worldcraft) WF119 spear arrow
(Worldcraft) WF120 spear arrow
(Worldcraft) WF121 spear arrow
(Worldcraft) WF11 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF12 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF141 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF16 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF17 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF2 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF25 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF26 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF27 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF28 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF29 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF3 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF30 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF31 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF43 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF77 spoon
(Worldcraft) WF102 stool
(Worldcraft) WF140 stool
(Worldcraft) WF4 walking stick
(Worldcraft) WF73 walking stick
(Worldcraft) WF78 whip