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Artist CollectionsThe wealth and diversity of the visual arts in Wales in the 20th century is nowhere more evident than in the artists' collections of graphic art acquired since 1986. The University has never had the funds to buy expensive single works of art, nor does it see this as its role. Collections representing individual artist's careers however, as American institutions have demonstrated, offer great potential for research.In some instances artists have been asked to select the works by which they are to be represented for posterity-works which they consider significant in their development as artists. Copies of archive material, press reviews, diaries and a photographic record of works have also been made available. The University actively seeks to acquire collections with the generous co-operation of the artists or their families; there have also been numerous gifts included with the formation of artist collections. Furthermore, such collections offer excellent value for money. The Edward Bouverie Hoyton, Bernard Cheese, George Chapman, John Elwyn, Handel Evans, Evelyn Gibbs, Rigby Graham, Derrick Greaves, John Roberts and Keith Vaughan collections were all acquired with the invaluable support of the Victoria and Albert Museum/Museum and Galleries Commission Purchase Fund. The teaching and research potential has been the primary consideration in the acquisition of all artist collections. National touring exhibitions with catalogues using material from the Hugh Blaker, George Chapman, John Elwyn and Edgar Holloway collections have already taken place, thus re-affirming the School of Art's commitment to art in Wales. It is another example of the policy to develop collections of national importance, a valuable resource for future generations of students and scholars. Bernard Cheese | Chris Penn | Derrick Greaves | Edgar Holloway | Edward Bouverie Hoyton | Eric Malthouse | Evelyn Gibbs | Fred Richards | George Chapman | Handel Evans | Hugh Blaker | Ivor Williams | James Mcbey | John Elwyn | John Roberts | Joseph Webb | Keith Vaughan | Rigby Graham
Art Pottery | Baskets | Bequests | Calligraphy | Ceramic Archive | Ceramic Figures | Ceramics | Classical Subjects in the 1920s | Collecting Contemporary Ceramics | Collecting Contemporary Prints | Colour Woodcuts | Drawings | Early British Studio Pottery | Gifts | Glass | The Great and the Good | Gulbenkian Collection | Highlights of the Collection | Illustrators of the 1860s | Lithography in the 1920s | Loans | Musical Instruments | Overview | Paintings | Photographs | Portraiture in the 1920s | Prints | Prints of the 1920s and 1930s | Private Press Books | Publications | The Historic and Retrospective Collection of Ceramics and Bronzes | Search | Special Collections | Watercolours | Weaponry | Welsh Folk Craft | World Craft collections Collections |